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我在湖北省地方戏曲剧院工作。I am working in a drama showplace.

河南曲剧是一门综合性戏曲艺术。Henan Opera is a comprehensive art.

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我的堂兄是戏曲俱乐部的成员。My cousin is a member of a drama club.

中国戏曲艺术吸引全世界。Chinese opera art fascinates the world.

业余戏曲演员成为职业演员。Become professional actors or actresses.

沈起凤是一个很有个性的戏曲作家。Shen Qifeng is a very personal opera writer.

上党是戏曲乐户之乡。Shangdang are opera music of rural households.

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中国昆曲是中国戏曲艺术中的一朵奇葩。Kun opera is one of the wonderful arts in China.

皮影戏是我国出现最早的戏曲剧种之一。China's shadow appears one of the earliest opera drama.

其中有些戏文为全国其他戏曲剧种所罕见。Among them some drama text are very rare in our country.

中国戏曲形成于宋元时期。Chinese Opera was formed in the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

“本色”是中国戏曲理论中的一个重要概念。"Ben se" is an important concept in Chinese drama theory.

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他还画戏曲人物画、裸女、瓶花静物等。He also drew Chinese opera figures, nudes and still lives.

李渔是中国古代著名的戏曲理论家。LI Yu was one famous drama theoretician of Chinese ancient.

戏曲艺术的代言体有独白与对话两种最基本的表现形式。Dialogue and monologue are two forms of expression in drama.

戏曲的音乐与文辞之间具有高度的相关性。Opera music and diction between the high degree of relevance.

戏曲表演专业是学院创办最早的表演专业之一。He was one of the founders of the genre of opera , and one of.

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“双美一夫”模式是我国古代小说、戏曲常见的模式之一。"Two Beauties, One Husband" recurs in ancient novels and dramas.

唱词类似戏曲唱词,句式长短富于变化。Similar opera libretto libretto, changing the length of sentence.

昆曲的出现,是文人戏曲形成的标志。The emergence of Kunqu symbolizes the formation of literati drama.