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也许是线路问题It's probably the wire.

可变延迟线路?。VDL? Variable Delay Line?

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单声道线路输出,唱机插座。Mono Line-out, phono socket.

但是他们的线路是凿过的!But their routes are chipped!

第二,开通更多的公共交通线路。Second, open up more buslines.

虚拟线路连接?。VCC? Virtual Circuit Connection?

哪条线路不堵车?Which route has no traffic jams?

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这条公交线路经过许多小镇。This bus line goes to many towns.

线路工人已把电话装好并接通。The wireman hooked up a telephone.

公交线路没有通到这么远的地方。The bus line doesn't come this far.

线路变化,在这里,请华润集团为。Please change here for the CRH Line.

所以这条线路会像是什么呢?So what would that circuit look like?

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这是我完成的最棒的线路之一。One of the best routes I’ve ever done.

电话线路忙,请稍后再拨。The line is busy. Please redial later.

我们地线路一定和别人地串线了。We must have gotten our lines crossed.

在某些路段,它与16条线路相交。In some sections, it's 16 lanes across.

道岔是磁悬浮线路的重要部件。Turnout is an important part of maglev.

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不要乱弄供电线路。Don't meddle with the electrical wiring.

我一直在拨号,但线路似乎断了。I keep dialing, but the line seems dead.

那个邮递员负责这条投递线路。That postman is in charge of this route.