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我们恳求恳求陛下给予他特赦。We supplicate your majesty to grant him amnesty.

而今,她们已被“特赦”,并跟随克林顿回国。Now pardoned, they left the country with Mr Clinton.

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马杜埃奎表示,特赦推动了石油生产。Maduekwe says that amnesty is boosting oil production.

没有,我听说沙特国王特赦了她。No, I heard the King of the Saudi Arabia amnestied her.

但是国际特赦组织说澳大利亚的做法太过极端。But Amnesty describes the Australia's position is a poling.

1802年拿破仑对大部分流亡者给予特赦。Napoleon granted the great majority of émigrés amnesty in 1802.

总统的发言人说,她将否决任何包含特赦内容的法案。Her spokesman said she would veto any legislation that included the amnesty.

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这就是为什么国际特赦组织名单里把剥夺睡眠作为一种酷刑。That's why Amnesty International lists sleep deprivation as a form of torture.

政变领导人在等待审判时被从监狱里释放并获得了特赦。The coup leaders were freed from prison while awaiting trial and given amnesty.

另有两人在同一案件中被定罪,但已经被以前的总统特赦。Two others were also convicted in the case and pardoned by previous presidents.

她的特赦似乎证明她并非东京玫瑰,但即便错判了她,美国政府,好莱坞与广大公众仍认为她就是那个人。But the American government still considered she was, even if wrongfully convicted.

拍卖所得将全数捐给国际特赦组织等人权团体。The proceeds will go to Amnesty International and other human rights organizations.

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但是,布什在一天后又撤销了其中一项特赦,这种做法可能尚无先例。But in what may be a presidential first, Bush rescinded one of those pardons a day later.

总统金正日给予劳拉-林和安娜-李特赦,--朝鲜媒体称呼。Kim Jong Il gave Laura Ling and Euna Lee what North Korean media called a special pardon.

泰国内阁16日上午召开闭门会议,拟定今年的特赦清单。Thailand's cabinet held a closed-door meeting 16 to draw up a list of this year's amnesty.

例如,在穆罕穆德重新夺回圣城时,他特赦了所有败在他手下的阿拉伯教徒。For example, when he retook Mecca, he granted amnesty to all of the Arab pagans he defeated.

金正日给与了劳拉-林和安娜-李特赦,朝鲜媒体如此说。Kim Jong Il gave Laura Ling and Euna Lee what North Korean media called a specialpardenpardon.

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国际特赦组织估计,2008年委内瑞拉发生了14,000多宗枪杀死亡事件。Amnesty International estimates there were some 14, 000 gun-related deaths in Venezuela in 2008.

但许多美国人反对任何类似于对非法来美人员进行特赦的措施。But many Americans oppose any measure that resembles amnesty for people who came here illegally.

12月31日,韩国总统李明博特赦李健熙,对其罪过既往不咎。On December 31st South Korea's president, Lee Myung-bak, pardoned Mr Lee, wiping his record clean.