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两手空空。Hands empty.

我们努力搜索,却两手空空而归。We searched hard but came up empty-handed.

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六个星期过后,他们两手空空打道回府。After six weeks, they came back empty-handed.

她感到难过,她回家两手空空。She felt sad that she was coming home empty-handed.

零。没有一个。两手空空。充满未来。零。Zero. Not even one. Hands empty. Futures full. Zero.

结束吧。我不会离开两手空空!Let's get this over with. I ain't leaving empty handed!

当局怀疑他们回家两手空空。And authorities doubt they are coming home empty-handed.

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对于两手空空的男性,性别的失衡意味着什么呢?And what about the slew of males who come up empty-handed?

两手空空的雄蜘蛛几乎都未成功交配。The empty-handed males were mostly unsuccessful at mating.

麦格理和新桥两手空空地打道回府了,如此。Macquarie and Newbridge go away empty-handed, at least for now.

我已两手空空,拿不出什么哲学论调了。I don't have any more philosophical arguments up my sleeve on this issue.

鸟类捕手被迫回家两手空空,没有他的报复。The bird-catcher was forced to go home empty-handed and without his revenge.

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梅金看着他两手空空,包里也什么也没有,便问道“嗯?在哪里呀?”Where? “Megan looked at him. He had nothing in his hands or his bag with him.

一个真正富有的男人,在他两手空空的时候,他的孩子会跑进他的怀抱。A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty.

两手空空不会让任何人踌躇不前。让人巡倘佯的只能是思想空洞和心灵虚空。Empty pockets never held anyone back, only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.

两手空空不会让任何人踌躇不前。让人逡巡徘徊的只能是思想空洞和心灵空虚。Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.

纳米人成功盗取了其中一架试作型,而叛军和扎林则落得两手空空。While the Nami stole one of the prototypes, the Rebels and Zaarin left empty-handed.

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然而,他们的决策令许多女性经营多年婚姻却落得两手空空。Yet their decision will leave many women with nothing to show for their years of marriage.

但是倭黑猩猩交际更广泛,即使和它们接触的科学家两手空空,他们也会和他们接近。But bonobos were much more social, approaching experimenters even when they were empty-handed.

可皇马一次反击成功,我们只落得个两手空空。But Realmadrid one time counter-attacks successfully, we only end up to turn out to be penniless.