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我的冤家约请我看电视。My friend invited me to watch TV.

李和林成了欢喜冤家。Li and Lin became quarrelsome lovers.

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我希望和我的老冤家在一同。I hope to get together with my old friends.

牛顿就曾与莱布尼兹成为冤家。Isaac Newton had a bitter feud with Leibniz.

某天这个念头出现在苏恩路和他女冤家的脑海里。This idea came to Su Enlu and his girlfriend one day.

布朗森先生,我向你保证金是我的老冤家。Mr Brownson, I assure you King's an old enemy of mine.

冤家宣传人的美德,敌人夸张人的罪功。Afriend exaggerates a man's virtue, an enemy his crimes.

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明天下战书我们将去看望一位住院的冤家。This afternoon we're going to visit a friend in hospital.

且看四对欢喜冤家如何笑料百出!Let us look at four pairs of happy lovers how jokes abound!

这是一副找到了冤家的魔鬼面孔。It was the visage of a demon who has just found his damned soul.

想要体验头彩冤家中的轮盘游戏吗?Want to experience the roulette game encounters the first prize?

总之,两国一直都是一对欢喜冤家。Then again, it's always been a mixed relationship between the two.

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从老婆身怀六甲之日起,就冥冥注定了男人摆脱不了焦虑与压力这对冤家。Anxiety and stress start from the moment their wife becomes pregnant.

多年后,两人见面已不相识,却成了一对欢喜冤家。After many years, the two have met did not know, has become a joy enemy.

此外,美国的另一个冤家叙利亚,也会出现在本次会议当中。Syria, another frequent target of American animosity, will be there too.

那两个生疏人交谈起来就像是多年的老冤家。The two strangers talked as if they had been good friends for many years.

多儿多女多冤家,无儿无女坐莲花。Many sons, many daughters, many enemies. No son, no daughter, sit on lotus.

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不能喝酒,王星和谢思潇这对冤家就用饮料比拼。Cannot drink, wang and Xie Sixiao that would compete with drinks the great s.

2009年,好冤家一行六人离开雪地中的一个偏远小木屋过周末。In 2009, six friends went to the snow line in a remote cabin for the weekend.

事先经冤家引见了NE放辐射美白茶。Introductions in advance by the enemy of the white tea NE release of radiation.