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什么是奇闻趣事新闻?。What Is Gonzo Journalism?

就没些个奇闻异事要跟家里人分享的?no little anecdotes to share with the folks?

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1859年,这样的报道大多数是奇闻。In 1859, such reports were mostly curiosities.

蓝默先生的新书博引旁徵这番引人入胜的奇闻逸事。Mr Ramo’s book is full of engaging vignettes like this.

还有一些奇闻逸事从书本和回忆录中泄露出来。Other oddities leak out from the books and the memoirs.

蓝默先生利用这些奇闻轶事建构出的观察相当犀利。Mr Ramo uses his anecdotes to make some sharp observations.

要是这个奇闻一旦传了出去,就会讨论个没完没了。Once the story got abroad, I would never hear the last of it.

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这些要约文件在何鸿燊的赌博帝国里散落着尚属奇闻轶事。The offering document was littered with titbits about Mr Ho’s empire.

好几项研究和很多奇闻轶事的证据似乎都能证明这一点。Several studies, as well as a lot of anecdotal evidence, seem to support this.

他们围坐在篝火旁讲着自己狩猎冒险的奇闻。They sat around the campfire telling tall tales about their hunting adventures.

钩稽古代奇闻轶事是一件很有趣的事。Looking into strange and extraordinary stories of ancient times is very interesting.

甲型H1N1流感是今年的另一大挑战,也成为奇闻趣事的一大来源。Swine flu, or H1N1, presented another challenge -- and rich source of weird stories.

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他已经在谈一桩奇闻,在他那宽阔的脸上,他的小嘴巴扭得象一条小毛虫。He had begun an anecdote , and in his broad expanse of face his tiny mouth writhed like a.

我今天还活着,所以我们至少有一个奇闻异事一般的例证说明,这个方法还相当不错。I'm alive today, so we have at least some anecdotal evidence that it works reasonably well.

谦和的牧民们第一次听到并思索着基督诞世之奇闻。These humble shepherds were the first to hear and ponder the wondrous news of the birth of Christ.

她经常用有趣的奇闻异事来博得莎蒂的友谊,尤其是那个关于大学好色老教授的故事。She had earned Sadie's friendship with funny anecdotes, especially the ones about randy old college professors.

中国历史上有很多关于曹操的残暴、狡猾,军事才能以及政治敏锐性的奇闻轶事。In Chinese lore, a number of anecdotes tell of Cao Cao's ruthlessness, cunning, and military and political acumen.

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从写鬼神灵异、奇闻佚事走向现实生活,使小说表现的题材得到极大拓展。The novels expressing historical themes were expanded from writing ghost stories and anecdotes to realistic lives.

我们生活在一个充满了奇闻异事的时代。然而事情往往是遭遇惨败之后才会引起人们的注意。We live in a time of wonders, and, more often than not, remain oblivious to them until they fail catastrophically.

本小组上传视频涉及娱乐圈、八卦、新闻、奇闻杂谈、教育、军事等等。The group upload videos related to entertainment , gossip , news , anecdote topics for education , military and so on.