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纵然我可以掩耳盗铃的以为自己拥有了一切。So I can make believe I have everything.

不止一次地尝试过、欲导演一场掩耳盗铃地救赎。More than once tried, for directing a ears to salvation.

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科学家们以为,不知感恩的人理论上是掩耳盗铃。Ungrateful people are actually cheating themselves, scientists believe.

要光明磊落不要掩耳盗铃,耶稣什么也知道,信基督就要真信,耶稣才会帮你。What does Jesus try to teach his disciples by going with them through the storm?

芬尼见老鼠仍是毫无逃跑的意思,只能以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势扑向呜兹。Finney still saw the rat no trend to escape and can only be a tendency toward Woods in haste.

也许你们会说我自欺欺人,虚荣,但这是我真实的想法,我没有掩耳盗铃。Perhaps you will say that I am self-deception, vanity, but I really think, I do not deceiving.

变幻的人生避无可避,想掩耳盗铃都有人拿着相机围观你。The changing from the inevitable in life, think comes from someone with a camera watching you.

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在明白如昼的事实面前,这种掩耳盗铃的鸵鸟式说法显然缺乏说服力。In the face of the facts as clear as day, this self-deceiving ostrich apparent lack of convincing argument.

忽然,一只小虫进入了她的视线,她马上以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势将其拿下,又快速的飞回了鸟巢。Suddenly, a bug enters into her sight. She catches it extremly sudden and swift, then flying back to her nest.

第一,中国官方本身说奥运将带来人权的改善,这是掩耳盗铃。First, Chinese officials themselves said the games would bring human-rights improvements. The opposite is true.

美国的债券收益率正在飞涨,而西方的央行尽管内部紧张气氛正在加剧,依然保持着掩耳盗铃的姿态。US bond yields are surging and Western central banks, despite growing tension within their ranks, remain in ostrich mode.

他在禁区内拿球不多,他观察门将和后卫的位置,然后以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势射门,就像对巴恩斯利的那个球。He doesn't take many touches in the box, he catches the keeper off-guard with quickfire shots – just like he did for his goal at Barnsley.

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掩耳盗铃用来形容人自己骗自己,硬装不知道,真是既愚蠢又荒唐。"Plugging ones' ears when stealing bells" describes people cheating themselves by pretending not to know anything. This is very stupid and absurd.

斯蒂夫-克拉克相信,苏小牙继90年代佐拉登陆英伦之后,已给英国足球带来迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势如破竹的影响。Steve Clarke believes Luis Suarez has made the biggest instant impact in English football since Gianfranco Zola's arrival on these shores in the 1990s.

尽管在香烟包装上写着“吸烟有害健康”,但那只不过是掩耳盗铃的形式主义,该生产烟草的依旧生产。Although the package of cigarette printed "Smoking is harmful to your health", it's only a formalism of deceiving themselves, they still produced cigarettes.

该城私人直升机拥有率在全世界数一数二——算是富人们为躲避底下惨不忍睹的现实世界而做掩耳盗铃之举,一点也不为过。The city has the highest rate of private helicopter use in the world -- a literal sign of what heights people will go to in order to avoid the realities of the world below.

假如你吸烟却又道你不信赖吸烟取收气管徐病、古道热肠净病和肺癌之间存在着某种必定的联络的话,您必然是在掩耳盗铃。If you smoke and you still don't believe that there's a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself.

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然而掩耳盗铃是没用的。美联储为了消除过剩的流动性,必须大幅提高利率,以吸引真正的买家接手财政部发售的国债。But make no mistake, in order to mop up all the excess liquidity, the Fed will need to raise interest rates substantially to attract buyers for all the bonds that the Treasury must sell.