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砌墙把家围护起来。Build the walls around your family.

新金桥广场基坑围护结构位于正在运营的地铁隧道顶部。Xin Jinqiao square pit was on the top of a subway tunnel in use.

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大跨度屋盖围护结构的设计风荷载研究。Research on the wind-resistant design methods of long-span roofs.

由于超压或突然冲击引起围护系统故障。Failure of containment system due to overpressure or sudden impulse.

在VRP界面中,可以方便快捷地查看和调用围护结构方案的信息。It is convenient to get information of every program in the VRP interface.

这些结论为高层建筑围护结构的设计提供了参考。These conclusions provide the basis for cladding design of high-rise buildings.

一是增大围护结构的热阻和热稳定性。It is the thermal resistance that increases palisade structure and thermal stability.

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因此,建筑节能先从建筑围护结构节能开始。Therefore, energy efficiency in buildings should firstly start from building envelope.

地下连续墙是上海地区深基坑的主要围护形式。Diaphragm wall is widely used as soil retaining structure in deep excavation in Shanghai.

第三章论述了昆明近20年来住宅围护体构成形态的变化。The third part talk about change of KunMing residence encircle-spaces since 20 years ago.

本文利用红外热像仪来测定建筑围护结构中是否存在热工缺陷。The infrared thermography was used to estimate the thermodynamic disfigurement in this article.

涉及基坑疏干、围护、稳定、施工以及周边地面沉降位移等方面。It involves dewatering, drain, stability, construction and ground settlement around the pit etc.

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施工技术包括高性能围护结构和三层玻璃窗。The construction techniques include a high performance building envelop and triple glazed windows.

济南伸缩蓬是建筑的围护构造,其设置就是在建筑物的外立面。Ji'nan telescopic Peng is the building envelope structure, its setting is in the building wailimian.

建筑围护结构中,屋顶虽然所占面积较小,但它对顶层房间的室内热环境影响是较大的。The roof has a big influence on thermal environment of top-floor rooms though it is of a small size.

因此,作为深基坑的围护结构,地下连续墙的施工技术已经越来越得到了重视和广泛应用。Underground diaphragm wall had been great used in enclosure structure of subway and deep foundation.

具有足够重量的围护结构和间壁不会把声音从一处传到另一处。Enclosures or partitions that have sufficient weight will not transmit sound from one area to another.

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海格花园外表有鲜艳明亮的色彩,或黄或白,阳台宽敞,花铁栏杆围护。Haig Court has a bright exterior of yellow or white, and spacious balconies with flowery iron railing.

本文讨论了采用热箱法检测建筑物围护结构的热阻以实现非采暖季进行检测。A hotbox method is devised for field measurements of envelopes thermal resistance in non-heating seasons.

针对这两篇文章的回应很激烈,那些围护骆大使的读者在网上写信。The reaction to the two articles was fierce, with readers defending Locke, in written letters and online.