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这就是所谓的前置胎盘。This is called placenta praevia.

把孕育它们的胎盘变成荒坟。Making their tomb the womb wherein they grew?

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从胎盘袋子中拉出的剪断的脐带。Placenta in bag with cut navel cord jutting out.

本组病例中未遇到低置型前置胎盘。There were not low placenta praevia in these cases.

浓缩石蜡油胎盘,鲨烯,维他命E。Placenta enriched paraffin oil, squalene, vitamin E.

一部分将变成胎盘,另一部分则变成胚胎。One part will become the placenta the other the embryo.

一部分将变成胎盘,另一部分则变成胚胎。One part will become the placenta, the other the embryo.

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人胎盘组织液穴位注射有用吗?。Is inject of point of person placenta tissue fluid useful?

蕾葆丝羊胎盘素抗皱绵羊油有着与众不同的配方。Rebirth Placenta anti-wrinkle has a very unique formulation.

母、脐血清及胎盘组织间的铜呈正相关,而锌无此相关性。The zinc content was higher than copper in placenta tissues.

本文对前置胎盘的诊断和处理进行了讨论。The diagnosis and treatment of placenta previa are discussed.

因此,他们在乌干达搜集并分析胎盘。They therefore collected and analysed placentas on site in Uganda.

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新鲜人体胎盘羊膜是一种新型的生物敷料。Fresh human body placenta amnion is a new type biological dressing.

自从地球上有了哺乳动物,吃胎盘就开始了。Mammals have eaten the placentas of their offspring since time began.

病理检查胎盘蜕膜细胞、绒毛膜滋养层细胞变性坏死。The placental decidua cells and villi ceil degenerated with necrosis.

目的分析植入性胎盘的临床特点及诊治。Objective Analyse clinical features and treatment of placenta accreta.

胎盘并不像我们曾经认为的那样是一个完美的屏障。Perera says. 'The placenta is not the perfect barrier we once thought.

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胎盘因素是产科急症子宫切除术的主要指征。Pla cental disorder was the main indication of emergency hysterectomy.

证明幼猫能够通过胎盘从母猫身体中吸收牛磺酸。Demonstrating that kittens get taurine from the queen via the placenta.

这种获得毒素的形式在胎盘类哺乳动物里是独一无二的。The animal and its acquired toxicity is unique among placental mammals.