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他是她的情夫。He’s her lover.

弗莱德,我的情夫,就是的。Fred, my leman, is locally.

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我要杀了我的情夫。I'm going to kill my lover.

他否认是她的情夫。He denied that he was her lover.

他发誓要杀死妻子的情夫。He vowed to kill his wife's lover.

您为什么竟会相信他是我的情夫呢?And how came you to believe that he's my lover?

可惜,他为钱把这里卖给了我的前度情夫。Alas he sold this place to my ex-lover for money.

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沙太太肯定有个阔绰的老情夫在暗中资助她。Mrs. Sha must have had a sugar daddy on the side.

这位女人为了挽救婚姻断绝了与情夫的来往。The woman gave up her lover to save her marriage.

就是甘佳巴姨说的,是她的情夫的那个“兄弟”。The same brother Ganga Bai had said was her lover.

我听说我们邻舍那个有夫之妇已出走,逃到她的情夫那里去了。I heard that our married neighbour has escaped to her lover.

她承认与情夫密谋杀害亲夫。She admitted conspiring with her lover to murder her husband.

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戈兰德·丁,乡村俱乐部的高尔夫教练。你最近发现他竟是你太太的情夫。The man you had recently discovered he was your wife's lover.

就算你的情夫对不住你,你也不能把他杀了呀!Even if your lover apologies to you, you will not be able to kill him Yeah!

他觉得非常幸福,就像个情夫等到了期待已久的约会似的。He was happy, as a lover is happy when the moment of the longed-for meeting has come.

他的妻子感到心中有愧,曾试图摆脱她的情夫。With a guilty conscience, the man's wife tried to disentangle herself from her lover.

随着自己的不断堕落,爱玛开始认识到她把情夫也拖了下去。In her growing degradation, Emma began to realize that she had brought her lover down with her.

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那位穿着灯笼裤的美人儿可不正经,正让情夫抚摩她那痒处呢。Belle in her bloomers misconducting herself and her fancy man feeling for her tickles and norman w.

在桃花源,他遇见了和妻子、情夫长得一模一样的桃花源人。In the Land of Peach Blossoms, he met his wife and lover who looks identical to the Land of Peach Blossoms.

地产经纪人维素被警方认定就是杀害妻子及其情夫的凶手,倒楣的他只好亡命出走躲藏起来。Vercel, the hapless real estate agent is falsely persecuted by the police for murdering his wife and her lover.