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我们显示结果为奇数,然后我们继续。Again, wow.

那么程序会怎么做呢?会显示答案为。t prints out 0.

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让我高亮显示下它。Let me highlight that.

它会显示时长吗?Do they give us timings?

计价器显示金额为28元。The meter reads 28 yuan.

视频显示板?。VDB? Video Display Board?

可见显示数据?。VDD? Visual Display Data?

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直观显示装置?。VDU? Visual Display Unit?

视频图像显示?。VID? Video Image Display?

它会显示在编辑器中。It displays in the editor.

视频显示模块?。VDM? Video Display Module?

只显示总金额怎么样?What about just the total?

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我的计价器上显示的是45元。It is 45 yuan on the meter.

数位式转速及时间显示。LED speed and time display.

将显示一个节点。One node will be displayed.

音频数字显示?。VDD? Voice Digital Display?

虚拟图像显示?。VID? Virtual Image Display?

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但在这里,我们只显示了第一行。We only show the first row.

我们只显示了第一行。We show only the first one.

然后显示出来。And then prints it back out.