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于是我鼓起劲,终于爬上了顶点。I climbed to the top finally.

很明显,它的顶点就是我们的最终目标。Obviously, the apex is the end goal.

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具有七个顶点的多面体是稀少的。Polyhedra with seven vertices are rare.

采用全部顶点做初始种群。Takes all vertexes as initial population.

2010年中国的房价将达到顶点?Will China's housing prices peak in 2010?

操作是基于每个顶点完成的。Operations are done on a per-vertex basis.

但PGA巡回赛是最好的,是顶点。But the PGA Tour is the best,is the pinnacle

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出度为零的顶点称作收点。A vertex with zero outdegree is called a sink.

它将会放置在夏威夷莫纳克亚山的顶点。It will be located on top of Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

为什么2是底部数而不最右边的顶点数呢?Why is 2 the bottom and not the rightmost vertex?

奇怪的是,好心情的顶点出现在午夜前后。It's strange that good mood peaks around midnight.

对我们来说,这是一座巨大冰山的顶点。For us, this is at the tip of a very large iceberg.

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登山队员向山峰的顶点攀登。The mountaineers were climbing towards the pinnacle.

网格模型包含顶点颜色,法线,一到两个uv集。Meshes with vertex colors, normals and one or two UV sets.

中键单击顶点当前多边形将其删除。Middle-click a vertex of the current polygon to remove it.

必须为折角形曲线段指定三个顶点。Three points must be specified for a corner curve segment.

连接大梁和三角孔桁梁顶点的支柱。Connecting the crossbeam to the apex of a triangular truss.

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现在销售额已经达到顶点,我们估计很快就会下降。Sales have now peaked, and we expect them to decrease soon.

对于未知量定义在顶点的情形,引入辅助网格。An auxiliary mesh is introduced for vertex-centered unknowns.

提出了两种新的压缩型顶点链码的编码方法。Two kinds of compression-type vertex chain code are proposed.