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方向的分力。,the,y,component。,这是x方向的。y This is the x component.

分力新产生的作用相同。Components produce the same effect.

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这会让速度减慢-,在x方向的分力。And that will decrease the speed-- this component in the x direction.

右腿打水来平衡左臂入水产生的垂直分力。The right leg kicks to counter-balance the left-arm entry vertical-force component.

在稳定点,势能在x方向的第二,种分力是正值。At the stable point, the second derivative of the potential energy versus x is positive.

在空间框架的一个刚性节点处,可以写出三个分力方程和三个力矩方程。At a rigid joint of a space frame, three resolution and three moment equations can be written.

黔北水利工程岩溶渗漏可分力四大类十亚类。There are four types and ten subtypes of the karst leakage in the hydrotechnics of north Guizhou.

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当层向分力与工作面推进方向一致时,直接顶的稳定性较好,反之就差。When the direction of component and a face advance are the same, the immediate roof is more stable.

斜盘对柱塞的反作用力F分解为轴向分力Fx和垂直分力Fy。Oblique plate on the plunger of the reaction force F is decomposed into axial force Fx and vertical Fy.

左腿打水来平衡右臂的抬升和空中移动长生的垂直分力。The left leg kicks to counter-balance the vertical force component of elevating and recovering right arm.

如果把钟摆末端,物体重量加倍,那么张力的垂直分力,也会加倍。If I double the mass of my bob at the end of a pendulum, then the vertical component of the tension will also double.

在x方向上,有mgsinθ,在y方向上重力,分力等于mgcosθIn the x direction I have here mg sine theta, and the component of gravity in the y direction equals mg cosine theta.

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张放咬着牙,想扑过去,但这时他竞也已忽然变得全没有半分力气。Zhang Fang gritted his teeth and wanted throw himself at her. But at this moment he felt as if he had no strength left in him.

同时,此分力也可促使整个床层向矸石端移动,提高设备的处理能力。Meanwhile this part of forces can also impel the whole bed to move towards gangues, which can improve the capacity of facilities.

为自动平衡垂直于筛体运动方向的分力,将两激振器安装在同一机座上。The two actuating vibrators are mounted on the same stand to balance the component perpendicular to the direction of screen motion.

我希望文中的分力比例不要被咬文嚼字地理解,它们只是大致的虚拟数字。I hope that the load distribution percentages provided here are not taken literally. These are just approximate hypothetical numbers.

建立了具有17个自由度的车辆系统非线性数学模型,模型中考虑了车钩力横向分力的作用。The mathematical model of a vehicle system with 17 degrees of freedom is set up. The lateral component of the coupler force is considered.

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经过长期实践,得出了卧式或立式多分力测量选择的一般原则。Based on the long term practice, the generality selective regulations of measurement of horizontal or vertical multicomponent are presented.

传统的弦支穹顶,下弦环索径向分力占环向索拉力的比例非常小,从而导致索承载力的严重浪费。For traditional suspendome, the radial force is a very small part of the force of hoop cables, it is a waste of bearing capacity of hoop cables.

纵帆利用分力、合力原理,可以“船驶八面风”,只有“当头风”不可行驶。Contribute towards the use of vertical-fan, the principle of force, "ship passing wind in all directions, " only "blow the wind" can not be closed.