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只因我是个种族主义者。Just that I'm racist.

整个事情带有种族主义色彩。The whole thing is racist.

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是否存在新的种族主义?。Whether does there exist neo-racialism?

盛田昭夫认为这是种族主义偏见在作怪。He was suggesting the reason was racism.

足球流氓骚乱在波兰国内很普遍,他们大多属于右翼种族主义组织。Most belong to racist right-wing groups.

把国旗挥舞称为“种族主义者”是可笑的。Callingflag waving "racist" is laughable.

制糖产业,不要做这样的种族主义分子!Don't be such racialists, sugar industry!

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曼恩法案就是一部彻头彻尾的种族主义法案。The Mann Act is an inherently racist law.

这篇文章充满了种族主义的暗流。The article was full of racist undertones.

气死我了,我打赌那个评委是种族主义者,所以我才没有进。I'm so mad. I'll bet that judge was racist.

枪支管制究竟带有什么样的种族主义色彩呢?In what bizarro world is gun control racist?

这仅仅是一个老式的种族主义的替身。This is just a proxy for old-fashioned racism.

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对我来说你明显就是个种族主义。It's obvious to me you're a racist and a bigot.

贝克说“我认为,这个人是一个种族主义者。”"This guy is, I believe, a racist, " Beck said.

听起来你一样有种族主义的倾向。You sound like you have ethnocentric tendencies.

但是,乔·克里斯玛斯已然被种族主义非人化了。But Joe Christmas has been dehumanized by racism.

相反,有些白人把这种新情绪看成是种族主义。Some whites see this new mood as racism in reverse.

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它是一个亲奴隶制的种族主义组织。Therefore it was a pro-slavery racist organization.

菲茨杰拉德好战,是种族主义者,所以他是片中的坏蛋。Fitzgerald is fighty and racist, so he's the baddie.

他还曾经捐钱给一个反种族主义音乐会。He also once donated money to an anti-racism concert.