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形似观音古董船首像。Antique Figurehead, possibly of Guangyin.

大型分叉的珊瑚,形似鹿角。Large branching coral resembling antlers.

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形似鲫鱼,又称非洲鲫鱼。Like carp, crucian carp, also known as Africa.

鸢尾花为蓝紫色,花形似翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。Iris was a pretty butterfly in blue and purple.

形似帐篷的天花板上隐藏着迷宫似的水管。The tented ceiling hides a maze of water pipes.

现在他们看起来有那么点形似了。They did not, anymore, look entirely dissimilar.

六面体结构,形似宝塔,似有塔灯之感。Hexahedral structure makes it looks like a pagoda.

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上尖下圆,高约200米,形似金字塔。It's 200 meters high and looks like the "Pyramid".

第二个发现是小型的形似鹿的动物。The second discovery was a small deer-like animal.

上尖下圆,高约200米,形似金字塔。It is 200 meters high and looks like the "Pyramid".

生活在海滨的陆生动物,形似龙虾。A creature of the shore and coastline, resembling a lobster.

苏丹足球协会,楼顶形似足球。Sudan Football Association Building with a ball-shaped dome.

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兔子的爪子形似马蹄,尾巴好似飞鸟。Its feet, however, are hooves and its tail is that of a bird.

幼鸟形似雌鸟,但是喙成黑色。Juveniles fledge looking like females, but with a black beak.

有一个高脚木碗,口大底小,形似漏斗,以黑樱桃木制作而成。One tall bowl with a wide opening is made from black cherry wood.

所述的管正结构从侧面看形似“C”字形。The pipe correction structure is shaped like C from the side view.

头部覆盖物,如巴拉克拉瓦盔式帽,形似头盔。A head covering, such as a balaclava, that is shaped like a helmet.

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古人因葫芦形似而又多子,以此为男性生殖器的象征。The Ancients viewed the calabash as the symbol of the male genitals.

产于美国南部的山雀,与黑冠雀形似但较小。Southern united states chickadee similar to the blackcap but smaller.

身形似鹏,向着安小七扑过去。Body likeness Peng, facing Anne is small seven rush toward to pass by.