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第二,北美新移民文学是典型的“流散型”文学。Secondly, North America New Immigration Literature is a typical diasporic literature.

美国领导的联军出兵伊拉克已经五年,但是伊拉克依然面临人口流散的严重问题。Five years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, the country continues to face a displacement crisis.

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近年来,流散写作和流散者批评成为国际学界关注的焦点。In recent years, diasporic writing and critique has become one of the hot topics in the academic circle.

首先,由于被解散的皇家卫队的士兵突然改变为流散在动荡不安的首都街道上。In the first place the men of the disbanded royal bodyguard suddenly turned loose on to the street of a capital.

由于只要靠美国的持久商业逆差,才干使美圆流散到世界各地,使其他国度取得美圆供给。S. trade deficit, the dollar can be dispersed around the world so that the supply of dollars in other countries.

犹太人的“第二圣殿”于公元70年被罗马军团摧毁后,犹太人便开始了其四处流散的历史。Soon after Jewish "Second Temple" was destroyed by Roman corps in 70 A. D, Came the Diaspera of the Jewish people.

没错,犹太人当作奴隶带到了罗马,被贩卖,被当作奴隶流散在各国。Yes,the Jews were taken as slaves to Rome, and then they were sold off and dispersed throughout the nations as slaves.

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吐蕃文物曾通过不同途径流散于海外,主要包括金银器与织锦。Tubo cultural relics, especially gold and silver articles and silk textiles, have been dispersed abroad by various routes.

日本泉屋博古馆收藏并展示的我国早年流散到海外的部分先秦青铜器,是中国先秦文化不可缺少的重要内容之一。Some of the bronze wares of pre-Qin Dynasty scattered abroad in old days now are stored up and exhibited in Izumiya Museum in Japan.

首先,由于被解散的皇家卫队的士兵突然改变为流散在动荡不安的首都街道上。In the first place the men of the disbanded royal bodyguard suddenly turned loose on to the street of a capital seething with unrest.

本文通过对流散文学的关注以及高加林悲剧人生的介绍,引出了我们对大陆流散文学的研究。This essay, from the diaspora literature and Gao Jialin's tragedy in Life by Lu Yao, studies the diaspora literature of mainland China.

但是总而言之,流散写作还是在某种程度上促进了中华文化和文学的全球化进程,彰显了其全球性特征。On the whole, diasporic writing has promoted the global process of Chinese culture and literature foregrounding their global characteristics.

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“流散”概念近来逐渐成为一种对当代后殖民文化与认同经验的总体解释。The concept of "diaspora" is recently emerging as a general explanation of the contemporary postcolonial cultural and identificatory experience.

以往的散热方式的散热效果有限,因此在本文使用是目前新式的散热方式,喷流散热。In this analysis, the effects of the duct wall heat capacity and convection from the ambient are considered, while axial conduction is neglected.

随着时间的流逝,这家小小的诊所逐渐发展成这个饱受战争摧残的国家中,收容和治疗境内流散人口的最大的难民营和医疗设施之一。Over time this small operation evolved into one of the largest camps and medical facilities for internally displaced people in the war-torn country.

从膨化硝铵炸药的本质结构特征和组成成分等方面分析了该类炸药的流散性。Fluidity of rock expanded ammonium nitrate explosive is analyzed from essential structure characteristics and compositions of this kind of explosive.

这样通过延伸机组的接地网进一步降低接地电阻,使雷电流迅速流散入大地而不产生危险的过电压。Therefor by earthing connected net of set , it reduce earthing resistance, make the electricity discharge in earth prompt without dangerous overvoltage.

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长达25年的冲突结束时,30万泰米尔人已经四处流散,他们中的三分之二以上目前住在一个叫做曼尼克农场的占地面积很大的难民营里。The end of the quarter-century conflict has scattered 300, 000 Tamils. More than two-thirds of them are at a sprawling displacement camp called Manik Farm.

在当今这个全球化的语境下,流散写作已经越来越引起学界的关注。In the current context of globalization, diasporic writing has been attracting more and more attention from both comparatists and cultural studies scholars.

流散现象是近百年来全球化进程中的一个必然产物,这种现象的出现造就了流散写作的诞生。Diaspora is a necessary consequence of the process of globalization over the last hundred years, which has also given rise to the birth of diasporic writing.