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这是所有数据驻留的地方。This is where all the data resides.

青春不老,瑜伽,让时间就此驻留。Stay young forever, Yoga, Its time to stop.

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你驻留在这里知道我们准备开拔。You will bide here until we are ready to march.

你知道终止并驻留程序吗?Do u know the terminate-and-stay-resident program?

当它们驻留不去时,我们的生活被控制住了。While they reside there, they take control of our lives.

游客在每页上的驻留时间超过90秒。The visitor duration on each page is more than 90 seconds.

当它们驻留不去时,我们的生活被控制住了。While they reside there, they take control of our lives.

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两次驻留期间,他们都在同一旅服勤。In both of their tours, they've served in the same brigade.

用户正试图不驻留一个非内存驻留关系。The user is attempting to un- pin an non- pinned relationship.

动态域名客户端软件驻留在一个路由器,摄像头。Conception client software resides "on" the router, and a camera.

让你的头脑安静下来才能让你更多的驻留于真我中。It is a quieting of your mind so that you abide more as your Self.

古老的恒星驻留在位于星系的圆盘中心凸起的部分。Older stars reside in the bulge at the center of the galactic disk.

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在作业管理拓扑中,控制驻留在注册节点上。In a job management topology, control resides with registered nodes.

问题是,服务表可能驻留在一段只读内存中。The problem is that the Service Table may reside in read-only memory.

RSS是驻留集合大小,即进程所使用的非交换区的物理内存。RSS is Resident Set Size, the non-swapped physical memory used by process.

请注意,资源接口类的包文件夹驻留在此处。Note that the package folder of theresource interface classes resides here.

在您的拓朴中,可能将多个节点分别驻留在不同的计算机上。In your topology, you may have multiple nodes residing on separate machines.

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每个环节必须驻留在一个单独的域,并从不同的C级IP。Each link MUST reside on a separate domain and be from a different C-Class IP.

因为根页使用十分频繁,所以它通常驻留在内存缓冲区中。Because the root page is used so often, it always resides in the memory buffer.

框架驻留在企业级应用程序系统的业务层中。The framework resides in the business tier of an enterprise application system.