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我情急之下,一声大叫。I panic, a loud cry.

情急之下,她是可以依靠的。She could be relied on in a crisis.

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女司机情急呼救,全车乘客噤若寒蝉。The woman driver naturally shouted for help.

他只是做了个情急慌乱之下的本能挣扎就放弃了。He made a small ratchet of panic and that was it.

情急之下,她握住刀刃和宋怀抢刀。Desperate, she and SONG Huai get hold bladed knife.

他情急之下说错了话,你应该谅解他。You should forgive him for saying that, he was too eager.

潘恩知道自己根本跑不过怪兽,情急之中忽然想起了天河尽头的湖泊,于是拼命的向湖泊跑去。Suddenly, Pan remembered that cursed lake and ran towards it.

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情急之下,毕竟是母语用的爽利,但老子直接无视!In desperation, after all, is the native language of crisp, but I ignored!

爱善情急之下爆出有礼爱的是阿冰,众人愕然。Aishan has no choice but to reveal that Youli is in love with Ah Bing and not her.

当地媒体称赞博伊尔情急而生的神技,基督教青年会为此给他颁奖,报业和电视台都采访了他。The local media celebrated Boyle's feat of compassion. The YMCA gave him an award.

他拼命地想喝到水,情急之下,就用供神用的东西做了一个简易的脱盐装置。Desperate for drinking water, he used holy objects to make a simple desalination device.

见马小虎负伤而回,冰儿情急,喝骂小虎为什么这样不听话?See MaXiaoHu wounded and back, ice the feeling be nasty, drink called tiger why so not obedient?

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情急之下,他决定孤注一掷,在贡茶里下毒陷害胡家。In desperation, he decided to throw the helve after the hatchet, in tribute tea against Hu poisoned.

只剩几个小时生命的她,情急之下,跳上了一辆开往洛杉矶的列车。There are only a few hours of her life, the feeling be nasty under, jumped on a car to Los Angeles trains.

潘安之前因为相貌平平接不到戏,情急之下他到可以整形医院做了全脸整形。Because before the pan plain don't get to play, so he can do a full face cosmetic plastic surgery hospital.

家兴恐怕离婚后会一无所有,情急下杀了妻子埋尸沙滩。Ka Hing worries that he will have nothing if he divorce, then he kills her and buries her body on the beach.

娜诺责怪佩雅不懂爱情,情急之下说自己也爱过,所以知道什么是爱。Na, blame her, dont understand the love, the feeling be nasty under said he also loved, so I know what love is.

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米雪在采访时陷入危机,情急之下史密特现身帮忙,二人终于修得正果。M snow in an interview in crisis, the feeling be nasty under schmidt appeared to help, two people finally mend fruit.

谎称自己想到了父母大仇未报而自己的武功又那么差才一时情急的。That he thought of the parents DaQiu not quote and his powers and then sent to the at that time the feeling be nasty.

殷素素眼见张翠山就要被突然发疯的谢逊杀害,情急之下用银针射中谢逊的眼睛。In her attempt to save Zhang Cuishan from the Crazy Xie Xun, Yin Susu uses the Silver needles to shoot Xie Xun's eyes.