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如题,肯为人民服务的可以申请斑竹!Can I be the mottled bamboo?

偶也同意斑竹的说法。对。I agree with explain of the above.

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谢谢斑竹的提醒。Thanks moderator for reminding me.

听上去不错。你见到“斑竹”了吗?Sounds interesting. Did you see the moderator?

似乎斑竹们现在都变得极端了。Seems the moderators have gone to extremes now.

斑竹保留最终解释权。Owner to retain the ultimate power of interpretation.

窃以为斑竹已经尽心尽力了。I think that the webmaster makes out already very good.

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对于我们这些英语不好得人来说,斑竹简直是天使!To us people who english are not very good , you are an angel!

麻烦了知道的朋友或者达人斑竹解答下。Trouble, who knows a friend or up to the next owner to answer.

外语园地新斑竹板斧上任,全面改版推出!欢迎大家光临!Any foreign language you speak, please come to FOREIGN_LG board!

因为斑竹为网一尽心尽力做了很多事,却没有获取任何一点回报。Because mottled bamboos did much for W. Y. T but access nothing.

后来,我成了斑竹,可以帮他一起管理了。Later, I was the "mottled bamboo", who can manage the things in the iciba.

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孩子让一个人变得负责人和成熟,斑竹我们更好的理解生活。Kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better.

申请斑竹、申请勋章、投诉、建议、举报。The application link, application owner, application Medal, complaints, suggestions, reports.

客户和斑竹发生矛盾,我认为是客户错了。When there are contradictions between clients and mottled bamboo, I think it's wrong customers.

任何人都可以阅读文章,但只有斑竹和板斧才能发消息。Anyone can read the archives. Anyone can join, but only moderators and vice-moderators can post messages.

只要活着一天,我就信奉这些名言,永不绝不像鹦鹉学舌般看斑竹眼色行事。For as long as I live, I will live up to these words and never, ever become the obedient parrot singing the lines given by the master.

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一场重要比赛即将在这周日到来,我百忙之中访谈了乔。乔是使我一个好朋友,尽管他支持曼联,它也是一个论坛的斑竹。With the impending and important game against Manchester United ahead on Sunday, I took time out of my busy schedule to speak to Joe Ashdown.

湘妃泣染斑竹的仙话传说,将男性文人的气节,泛化为女性对爱情的坚贞不渝。The fable that the bamboo have spotted by Xiangfei's tears makes the male scholar's moral integrity universalized into the female's faith to love.

你好斑竹,请帮忙用中文翻译我的不正当的性行为故事,那样可以让读者学到益处并且不重复我的错误。Hi webmaster, pls help to translate my story of sexual misconduct in chinese, so that other readers can all benefit and learn not to repeat my mistake.