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由于孔深。Due to hole depth.

由于布吕歇尔的缘故吗?Because of Blucher?

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冬天焊接处由于“冷缩”破裂。It shrinks in winter.

由于他的新玩具的李!Lee with his new toy!

由于这里多出来的高度。Due to the height here.

由于任择议定书的链接!Thanks OP for the link!

由于这是个指数形式。These are in the exponent.

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由于你反对,我们不去了。As you object, we won't go.

由于它咬了我的手指。Beause it bit my finger so.

由于在一边关闭的领带。D-ring closure at side tie.

这是由于过度放牧造成的。It's caused by overgrazing.

由于年久书纸发黄。The book yellowed from age.

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他由于腿部受伤而缺席。He is out with leg injuries.

由于花粉的过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My e itch.

他由于工作没有搞好而挨训斥。He was carpeted for bad work.

我由于没有穿大衣而感到凉飕飕的。I feel chilly without a coat.

是由于因爱生恨吗?Is love that caused the hate?

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她由于愤怒而不能平静。She seethed with indignation.

她由于震惊而目瞪口呆。She was immobilized by shock.

这是由于混合的过程和。Because of the mixing process.