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窥视一下那些窗明几净的办公室,可能也泄露出一些相当让人可怕的事情。Peering into all those offices might reveal some pretty scary stuff too.

终于窗明几净,外面的世界仿佛都清晰了。At last my dorm got bright and clean as if the world outside also turned to vivid.

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我们预订了一个挺大的标准房间,窗明几净,舒适惬意,夜晚很安静。We booked a standard room which was large, clean and very comfortable and so quiet at night.

我周围窗明几净,一尘不染——擦洗过的地板,磨得锃亮的炉格和擦得干干净净的椅子。All about me was spotless and bright -- scoured floor, polished grate, and well-rubbed chairs.

这间餐厅虽小,但窗明几净,是新盖好的,故意搞得像是一节改造的火车车厢。The diner was small, but bright and clean. Brand-new, built to resemble a converted railroad car.

窗明几净,一杯茶,三两人在笑谈天下大事。The window is bright several only, cup of teas, with your friends at joke world important matter.

如今的医院鲜花盛开,窗明几净,病房干净和充满欢乐,所有切都应归功于她的工作。Today's hospitals with their flowers and bright, clean and cheerful wards are a direct result of her work.

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如今的医院鲜花盛开,窗明几净,病房干净和充满欢乐,所有这一切都应归功于她的工作。Today’s hospitals with their flowers and bright, clean and cheerful wards are a direct result of her work.

走进学校大门,哇,学校好大,窗明几净,温暖的阳光铺满了半个教室。Into the school gates, wow, good schools, big, bright and clean, warm sunshine covered with half a classroom.

当我使用”休息室“时,确实领会到休息的实在含意,因为休息室窗明几净,窗外景色迷人。And when using a “rest room”, I do have a feeling of rest, because it is clean and has a window with a beautiful view.

有别于大多数艺术家的随性凌乱,这里窗明几净,一尘不染,摆设讲究。Unlike many artists who tend to be laid back and somewhat untidy, Chen's home is clean, neat and exquisitely furnished.

大家辛勤劳动过后的育才校园窗明几净,散发出芬芳的气息。Everybody will work industriously from now on fosters talent the campus window clearly several only, will send out the fragrant breath.

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我不禁想象着窗明几净的工作室里松脂的幽香,以及倾注一生心血追求每一把琴极致的大师。Captivated, I imagined a brightly-lit workshop with fine resin scents and a dedicated craftsman pouring his life's passion into each violin.

图书房里窗明几净,十多张高低不同的大方桌可以适应不同年龄孩子的需要,墙边上立着木制书架,架上摆满了各类儿童书籍。It is a very clean suite, and some ten or other desks with different sizes are prepared for students. Wooden bookshelves stand beside the walls, various children's books placed on them.

空气里发酵着些许劳累的因子,一个人默默站在这郊区的办公楼里久了,偶尔望着窗明几净的高楼殿宇外,是空旷湛蓝一望无垠的天。The air of a little tired fermentation, one factor in this suburb of stood silently in the office for a long time, occasionally looking bright and clean house buildings, is empty expanse of blue sky.