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攀援植物给院墙披上了绿装。Climbing plants clothed the courtyard walls.

他们用泥把院墙的裂缝堵上。They mudded the cracks in the courtyard wall.

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开源“社交应用服务器”有可能推倒那些“院墙”?Open Source "Social App Server" Might Crack Garden Walls?

我们今天看到的胡同则是由四合院的院墙围成的一条条小巷子。Hutong we see today are made up of small lanes formed by walls of siheyuan.

当初连院墙都没有,只有两栋灰砖平房。At first, there were only two one-storey grey brick houses without any fences.

他们带我沿着他家的围墙转了一圈,整洁的院墙里有个内院。They show me around their property, a neat compound with an internal courtyard.

这样的一个村庄就在我们的院墙之外,对我们却是禁止的。Just such a village was right on the other side of our garden wall, but it was forbidden to us.

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民兵们靠住一家人的院墙休息时,听到里边传来哭声。While leaning against the side of a house, the militiamen heard the sound of crying coming from within.

那伸出院墙的梨花一束束,那穿过村庄的河流,原来真的是有世外桃源的。That out Ehwa a bunch of wall-beam, and that the river through the village that is really the Shangri- la.

我从大路把车赶到他花园外边是为了给一辆公共汽车让路。我坐在车上装烟斗时忽然听见院墙里面传来一声欣喜欲狂的欢呼。As I set there filling my pipe, I suddenly heard a shout of sheer joy come from the other side of the wall.

病重中的龙三爷作了最后的打算,向祖先告拜后,老头子亲自提着枪上了院墙。He made ill dragon in the final plan, to the ancestors to worship, the old man put a gun on the walls in person.

目击者说,高呼伊斯兰口号的枪手向大使馆院墙内投掷手榴弹。Witnesses say the gunmen shouted Islamic slogans as they tried to throw grenades over the embassy compound's walls.

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项峰翻院墙过来偷听音乐的事最终被兰兰爸发现。Xiang Feng turns over courtyard wall to come over the thing of eavesdrop music is discovered finally by Lan Lan pa.

“大把欢愉。”和巨厚院墙。提利昂摇晃着他杯中的葡萄酒。“我们离开潘托斯后就没看过城镇。”"Myriad delights. " And huge thick walls. Tyrion swirled his wine in his cup. "We have seen no towns since Pentos. "

姐姐在家里的院墙边种上了几棵南瓜秧,原本好玩似的,也没有理会它。My elder sister sowed some pumpkin seeds along the yard walls. Since it was for fun, little attention was paid to them.

不过,水泥院墙承受住了爆炸的袭击,也门士兵还和袭击者交战,双方都有人死亡。But the concrete perimeter withstood the explosions and Yemeni soldiers engaged the attackers, with casualties on both sides.

猫攀上布满尖玻璃碴的院墙,落在墙影子旁边的苹果树下,在第一缕阳光中悄悄地靠近不安的麻雀。A cat scales a glass sharp wall and drops beside its shadow under an apple tree, stalking anxious sparrows with the first sun.

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高高的院墙虽然安全,但不利于采光,正是天井漏下的光可以把四周的房屋照亮。The high walls ensure safety but fail to provide sufficient light. It is the quadrangle that fills the rooms around with light.

被留下的还有见证了烤烟房变化的葡萄藤,横向的黑色钢筋支架使其与院墙结合,与烤烟房互不干扰。Also, a grapevine, which has witnessed all the changes, is combined with the courtyard wall in the help of the black steel stents.

维和部队的院墙内侧写着几个大字,意思是“保持南泥湾精神”。On the inside wall surrounding the peacekeeping compound, huge Chinese characters meaning "Keep the Spirit of Nanniwan" were written.