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这是我未婚夫。This is my fiance.

我应该把这些告诉我的未婚夫么?Do I tell my fiancé?

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一个未婚夫和未婚妻。A fiance and fiancee.

她的未婚夫是个独眼龙。Her fiance is a one-eyed man.

她和未婚夫都很害怕。She and her fiance were spooked.

你的未婚夫的车是什么型号?What model is your fiancé's car?

埃达向我介绍了她的未婚夫。Ada introduced her intended to me.

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旁边是她的未婚夫,尼克,23岁。Next to her, her fianc?, Nick, 23.

她未婚夫的名字叫汤姆。曼纳林。Her fiance's name is Tom Mannering.

在她旁边的是她的未婚夫尼克,23岁。Next to fiancer fianc é , Nick, 23.

珍丽佛的未婚夫给她买了座房子。Jenifer's fiance bought her a house.

马克教授,这是我的未婚夫麦克。Professor Mark, this is my fiancé mike.

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白宙是夏梦寻的未婚夫。Bai Zhou is summer dream for future husband.

又过了几年,我听到未婚夫说出“我愿意”。The years pass, and I hear my fianc é say "I do."

是布莱尔的未婚夫路易斯王子还是秘密情人查克?Was it her fiancé Louis or her secret-lover Chuck?

在威斯敏斯特大教堂,她的未婚夫正在等候着。At Westminster Abbey, her husband-to-be was waiting.

假设你要与未婚夫的父母见面。Let's say that you are meeting your fiance's parents.

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也许能够告诉我,你怎么知道你的未婚夫就是你要的人?Maybe you can tell me how do you know that your fianc?

但是我不想成为未婚夫是同性恋患者的那个女人。Then I didn’t want to be The Woman Whose Fiance Was Gay.

你和你的未婚夫开车穿过一个城市。You and your fiance are driving around through the city.