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手表完全恢复正常。All warm good.

退出恢复模式。Exit recovery mode.

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基于时间的恢复。Time-based recovery.

他说,他正在恢复健康。He says he's recovering.

为您的恢复作准备。Prepare for your recovery.

让应用程序恢复运行。Let the application resume.

你的恢复速率是多少?What is your recovery rate?

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现在蔫了的身体恢复。A listless body now revived.

文件成功恢复了。File successfully undeleted.

他现已恢复健康。He has recruited his health.

也许我是该恢复一下体形了。Maybe I should get in shape.

“”,瓦库拉恢复了他的理智。Vakula recovered his reason.

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他的视力已恢复。He was restored to his sight.

下次执行恢复同步。Next HotSync will be restore.

他已恢复健康。He has recuperated his health.

卵子内纺锤体或纺锤丝不恢复。Spindle don't recover in eggs.

这次旅行恢复了我的健康。The trip reinstated my health.

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这也是一种平静的恢复力。There’s a calm resilience too.

1982年恢复泊头市建置。In 1982 to restore Botou build.

恢复数据文件的完整副本。Restore a good copy of datafile