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证婚人说,她从未见过如此开心的婚礼。The registrar said she'd never seen such a happy wedding.

很高兴能以证婚人的身份参加婚礼!Delighted to witness the identity attend the wedding! Today, Mr.

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民事婚姻也要求两个证婚人在场。The civil marriage also requires the presences to two witnesses.

在他们的结婚仪式上,由老所长给他俩做证婚人。At their wedding ceremony, the old bureau chief was their chief witness.

但是,日本的一家酒店似乎并不在意这些,他们允许新人们雇用羊驼来当证婚人。But this seems lost on a hotel in Japan that allows couples getting married to hire an alpaca to act as the witness.

中间的魏斯在观看她与特里的结婚证书,他们的朋友和证婚人都参加了婚礼。Amber Weiss, center, and Sharon Papo looked at their marriage certificate with Terry Nail, their friend and witness at their wedding.

近年来多次在基督教特色的婚礼中担任证婚人,曾参与、安排或出席基督教特色婚礼约数十次。He has ministered several Christian Wedding ceremonies and participated or helped in quite a lot of Christian wedding ceremonies. Dr.

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证婚人说,这场婚礼不用交换嫁妆,并且以后这个男孩仍然可以娶一个人类新娘,而无需申请离婚。No dowry was exchanged, the witness said, and the boy will still be able to marry a human bride in the future without filing for divorce.

张杰和谢娜的婚礼将有两位证婚人证婚,圈内人士透露,他们是赵本山和湖南电视台台长欧阳常林。Zhang Jie and Sheenah's wedding will have two witnesses witnesses, insiders said, they are Zhao Benshan and Hunan TV station Ouyang Changlin.

我穿过大厅,走进会议室。会计部主管菲尔跟一个人站在一起,我想那个人是主持仪式的证婚人。I walked down the hall to the conference room. Phil , the head of accounting, was standing by someone I assumed was the judge performing the ceremony.

他形容,Mika和Anna-Bell这对“小情侣”意图“到达温暖的非洲举办婚礼”,而Mika的姐姐则是他们的“证婚人”。He described Mika and Anna-Bell as "sweethearts" who had "decided to get married in Africa where it is warm, taking with them as a witness Mika's sister".

两人在清晨趁着毫不知情的父母熟睡之际出发,还叫上了Mika七岁的姐姐Anna-Lena做他们的证婚人。The children left their homes at dawn while their unwitting parents were apparently sleeping, and took along Mika's seven-year-old sister, Anna-Lena, as a witness to the wedding.

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两人在清晨趁着毫不知情的父母熟睡之际出发,还叫上了Mika七岁的姐姐Anna-Lena做他们的证婚人。The children left their homes at dawn while their unwitting parents were apparently sleeping, and took along Mika's seven-year-old sister, Anna-Lena, as a witness to the wedding.

谢娜张杰的香格里拉大婚还在紧张筹备中,昨日有知情人透露,张杰谢娜婚礼的证婚人赵本山老师临时取消行程,将缺席这场浪漫婚礼。Sheenah Zhang Jie's Shangri-La marriage still intense preparation, insiders said yesterday, Zhang Jie Sheenah wedding witness teacher Zhao Benshan canceled trip, will absent this romantic wedding.