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我感到一种刻毒的怨气。I felt a sour hatefulness.

他喊叫着向我撒怨气。He hooted his complaints to me.

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——你正在变成一个十足的充满怨气的小男人,凯文。You’re becoming a very bitter little man, Kev.

“我,我……”我再也说不出话了,心中满是怨气。I can say one word in the heart is full of frustrations.

了解了真相,梅婧心中的怨气一扫而光。Having known the truth, Mei felt free from anger totally.

事实上,他倒觉得更坏了——他是充满着怨气和仇气了。As a matter of fact he was feeling worse—grim, revengeful.

这样又能够平息购房者们的怨气,又能够保留住建筑业的工作岗位。That would appease homebuyers and keep concrete-pourers in jobs.

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这只会增加美国天主教右派的怨气。This only heightened the dudgeon of the American Catholic right.

“我不会用‘怨气’这个词,”卡奇马提底斯先生说。“I wouldn’t use the word ‘hard feelings, ’ ” Mr. Catsimatidis said.

但是真实性的信赖和怨气博客启发人们的好奇心。But the realness of the blog inspires trust and piques people's curiosity.

于是,她便把一肚子的怨气,都撒到了西西里农人身上。So, she put one of the grievances the stomach, are spreading to farmers who Sicily.

怨气使人变得窄小和计较,而仁慈却通往宽容和饶恕。——谢有顺。Anger makes a man become narrow and care, and kindness to the tolerance and forgive.

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怀才不遇者都有股怨气,怨的久了、深了,人也就阴暗了。Unsuccessful designer has shares complains, with long, deep, the person also is dark.

如果你榨葡萄心不甘情不愿,你的怨气就会变成毒汁,渗入酒中。And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, you grudge distils a poison in the wine.

随着消减开支不顺,怨气膨胀,压力只会在谨慎阵营这边增长。As spending cuts bite, and anger swells, pressures can only grow on the cautious camp.

他开办培训班,帮助人们“把一肚子怨气转化为一颗感恩的心”。He offers seminars to help people 'change a complaining voice to an appreciative heart.'

“到底得多久啊,”满腹怨气的纳斯鲁丹问道,“如果你能抛开安拉的意见?”"How long will it take, " asked the exasperated Nasruddin, "if you leave Allah out of it?

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那些日子真是惨透了,你觉得心里乱哄哄的、怨气丛生、寂寞、全部人彻底的筋疲力尽。These are afflicted days when you feel awful, bad-tempered, abandoned, and absolutely beat.

那么,我为什么还敢怨气冲天,以至于去做这么一件自私自利,异想天开的事呢?So how could I dare to be so dissatisfied as to head off on such a selfish and self-seeking whim?

不过,在拿主意前,请做下面的练习来发泄怨气。However, before you make that decision try the following exercise to help you to express your anger.