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难道他不知道她一直是望眼欲穿地盼他的信吗?Did he not know that she hung on his letters?

那有的是电影公司在望眼欲穿等着好本子。Crammed full of film companies desperate for good idea.

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对望眼欲穿的家人来说,这真是个快乐的团圆。It was the happy reunion her family had been longing for.

说不清楚是什么感觉,但又好象望眼欲穿。That do not know what it feels like, but if it wistfully.

老妇人望眼欲穿地盼望亲人归来。The old woman was anxiously awaiting the return of her relatives.

望眼欲穿,千里云烟的思念。面朝北方,想你,在春暖花开的季节。Wistfully, Trinidad Yunyan miss. Facing the north, like you, in the spring of the season.

今夜,我会不会孤灯残坐,坐成一尊望眼欲穿的石雕!Tonight, can I the orphaned lamp remnant seat, sit the stone carving which awaits eagerly.

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正式由于这些了不起的球迷,我希望好消息快点到来,因为他们望眼欲穿。For the sake of those wonderful fans, I hope they get some good news soon. Because they deserve it.

退休后大可悠闲自在,可他们望眼欲穿的满堂孙儿如今何在?Retirement brings plenty of leisure but where are the grandchildren whose company they looked forward to?

如果通用汽车这次能取得成功,带来的可能是望眼欲穿的投资者从来不敢奢望的利润。If GM is successful this time, the payoff could be profits long-suffering investors never thought possible.

彼佳回莫斯科的归期愈益临近,望眼欲穿的伯爵夫人的焦急不安愈益增加。The nearer the time came for the return of her longed -for Petya to Moscow, the greater was the uneasiness of the countess.

据谣传,红衣主教们甚至不惜万里跑到拉脱维亚去物色候选人,完全无视对总统职位望眼欲穿的布莱尔。It is rumoured the conclavists might even go as far afield as Latvia to find a candidate preferable to President-in-Waiting Blair.

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等待贤宇归来的恩秀望眼欲穿,却不知道此时的贤宇已把她忘记,回到了自己的世界。Waiting for the return of the yu Yin grace show dream, but dont know at this point in the Yin yu has put her forget, back to your world.

每每看到母亲矮小的身影,站在村口的老槐树下,望眼欲穿的盼我归来。Whenever I see mother little figure, standing at the entrance to the village under the tree, I expect to see someone who never comes back.

赶紧回学校去,夏晨估计正望眼欲穿的等着你去欣赏他的耍酷表演!The hurry time school goes, is doubtless hoping to see fervently summer morning of await you to appreciative his to activity cool performance!

我不玩愤怒的小鸟,我不会有宝石凯蒂猫个案,每一天,我觉得我有几个电话前的黑莓望眼欲穿。I don't play Angry Birds, I don't have a set of bejeweled Hello Kitty cases, and every day I think wistfully of the BlackBerry I had a few phones ago.

不要再以儿孙为生活重心,寻找自己的天地,才不致天天望眼欲穿。Don't center your life around children and grandchildren. Do look for your own social circles. This way, you won't be disappointed with too many expectations.

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直播卫星从立顶上马到投入正式运营,一波三折,历尽磨难,期间烧友们日复一日、年复一年翘首以待,望眼欲穿。Live satellite from top to mount a horse made into formal operation, smooth, experienced the ordeal, burn the friends during the day after day, year after year, longs perked up.

思念她,而她不在身边,于是望眼欲穿的眼神里多了几分无奈,声音里有了一丝叹息,表情中微露几许失意,心境里莫然滋生些许失落。Miss her, but she is not around, so wistfully of the eyes a little more helpless, voice with a trace of a sigh, frustrated expression of Wei Lu dash, state of mind a little lost in the breeding Moran.