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他竖起一只眼皮。He cocked an eyebrow.

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地心引力不懈地拖曳着我的眼皮。Gravity is tugging on my eyelids.

她的眼皮都哭肿了。Her eyes were swollen from crying.

我猜他甚至都没眨下眼皮儿。I don't believe he even blinked an eye.

我眼皮老是跳。My eyelids keep twitching all the time.

世界怎么就在我们的眼皮下改变了呢?How can the world shift beneath our feet?

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亲吻眼皮——敬慕。Kissing on the eyelid signifies adoration.

珀利的眼皮眨了眨,然后睡着了。Polly's eyelids flickered, then she slept.

所以我就大声朗读,我的眼皮不会合上。So I read aloud, and my eyes didn`t close.

宝宝这几天左眼下眼皮红。Baby red eyes these days under his left eye.

大多数的鱼及蛇根本没有眼皮。Most fish and snakes have no eyelids at all.

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眼皮消肿啦,眼睛重又神采奕奕啦!Eyelid detumescence, the eye is heavy alight!

杀人犯从警察眼皮底下跑了。The murderer run away below the police's eyes.

我眼皮越来越沉了,好困啊。My eyelids are getting heavy, I feel so sleepy.

肯定就在我们眼皮底下什么啊?。We must have been staring right at it. At what?

睡眠轻拍我的眼皮,眼皮便变得沉重。Sleep tappeth on mine eye, and it turneth heavy.

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希罗眨着眼睛,他的眼皮比平时动的更快。Hiro blinked, his eyelids moving faster than usual.

侦察兵就在敌人眼皮底下活动。The scouts are active under the enemy's very noses.

好啦!眼皮消肿啦,眼睛重又神采奕奕啦!Good! Eyelid detumescence , the eye is heavy alight!