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我们可以稳定地供应坯布。We can guarantee regular supply of grey sheeting.

给出坯布质量对原纱质量的要求。Requirements of the gray fabric quality to greige yarn quality.

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主要从事坯布、染色布、印花布、牛仔布、灯芯绒、服装等进出口业务。LTD , is an import & export company which mainly deals with textile business.

纯棉坯布价格小幅下滑,成交量仍显不足。Pure cotton grey fabric prices fell modestly, trading volume is still insufficient.

全棉坯布市场价格走势同样有下调,而全棉府绸布颇为动销。Entire cotton grey fabric market price trend is also reduced, and cotton Poplin cloth PIN.

纯棉巴厘纱、纯棉府绸从坯布到成品染色面料,价格均有小幅下跌。Bali, cotton yarn, cotton Poplin fabric dyeing fabric to finished product, have a small fall in prices.

从绝对数量看,纺织企业的纱线、坯布库存出现下滑。From the perspective of absolute number, textile yarn, grey fabric of the enterprise inventory declined.

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对于纺织厂,坯布质量是衡量企业技术管理工作综合水平的主要指标。The gray fabric quality is main index for the textile mill to measure technical management comprehensive level.

虽然,长车企业的开工率不足,但不少工厂的仓库中却堆满了坯布。Although the long low operating rate of the enterprise, but the many factory warehouse is covered with grey fabric.

分析了剑杆织机织造坯布时常见的百脚、三跳、纬缩、稀密路四大织疵成因,对此归纳总结出了相应的防治措施。Causes of the four defects in weaving of rapier loom were analyzed and the corresponding prevention measures summed up.

双丝光工艺就是首先对棉纱丝光处理,然后,再对经过丝光的棉纱线编织出的坯布进行丝光。The double mercerizing process conditions for high grade cotton yarns for knitting and knitted grey fabric are discussed.

认为坯布的前处理质量、染料的选择、工艺参数的确定是影响染料质量的关键。The dyeing result is considered dependent upon the pretreatment effect, the dyestuffs used and the processing parameters.

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我公司是以生产销售各规格中、低档化纤坯布,纯面坯布面料。Our company is production and sales of various specifications, low-grade chemical fiber fabric, plain fabric fabric surface.

未经整理的织物一般称为坯布,坯布多含有杂质,手感粗糙,外观不佳。Unfinished fabrics, referred to as greige or grey goods, contain many impurities, have a harsh hand and little esthetic appeal.

化纤坯布系列产品评为江苏省市消费者协会“信得过”产品。Besides, the chemical fiber grey fabrics series products are named as "Trust Products" by Jiangsu province Customers Association.

专业生产棉布,麻布,白坯布,涂层,刮色,染色系列,烫金布,窗帘布。Linen cotton, linen and cotton fabric finished fabric coated cloth gilt cloth curtain cloth factory direct sales, wholesale fabric.

在针织用丝的柔软程度表示中,企业需要的是定量的指标,以便于控制针织坯布的质量。The softness of knitting silk yarn should be indicated by quantitative indexes so as to well control the quality of knitted fabrics.

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喷水全弹春亚纺磨毛坯布也能走动,主要销往南通、绍兴两地市场。Water-jet full elastic spring Asian textile mill blank can walk, are mainly sold to Nantong, Shaoxing market between the two places.

铅笔可以直接在白坯布上画线,而且用过的布还可以重复使用。Muslin can be marked with pencil lines, and the finished muslin pattern, which is the end product of draping, can be used repeatedly.

包括纤维、纱线、坯布、辅料、服装以及从事染整加工和其它与纺织品有关的生产、经销等。The producers of fibers, yarns and fabrics, textile finishers, garment manufacturers and suppliers of accessories all form a network.