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他恨遭人白眼。He hates being treated with disdain.

不论她给了你多少“白眼”!No matter how much she gives you "the butterflies"!

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牛子尖叫起来,翻着白眼。他倒在地上,嘴里流出口水。He fell on the ground and water ran out of his mouth.

受到骚乱影响的社区,警察处处遭遇白眼。In riot-torn districts, the police were widely hated.

冷淡的阳光照着他们和长发白眼。The cold, pale sunlight fell on their and lusterless eyes.

长官,她刚才朝我们翻了个白眼。I rolled my eyes at them because they just gossiped about me.

她的话不出所料的又得了甑氏一个白眼。Her words as expected and again the Mao surname is a cold stare.

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肯将白眼看尘世,但使丹心报国民。Ken White saw the earth, but to his loyalty to the national report.

女性之所以爱含蓄,或许是因为她们怕自己受到冷遇、白眼。Women may avoid being direct because they fear a negative reaction.

英俊的男士永远占有优势,且从不遭受职场白眼。Handsome men are always at an advantage and never discriminated against.

我甚至没有提到尺寸以及任何细节但我仍然遭到了白眼。I didn’t even mention sizes or any details and I still got the stank eye!

萨姆翻了个白眼,心不在焉地嘬了口他长颈啤酒瓶里的酒。Sam rolled his eyes and sucked on his longneck beer without much interest.

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而奇怪的是,有很多人因为害怕别人的白眼,而改变了自己的决定。Strangly, a lot of people changed their decisions because of other people.

同时润白眼部皮肤,淡化黑眼圈。Besides, it can also whiten the skin around eyes, smooth away dark eye circles.

而接下来我真想翻个白眼,说“哦,妈妈,你什么时候才能不这么操心呢?”And then I want to roll my eyes and say, “Oh, Mom. When will you quit worrying?”

冷淡的阳关照著他们的愁眉苦脸和长发白眼。The cold, pale sunlight fell on their gloomy faces, long hair and lusterless eyes.

“某个人?我吗?我已经疯了”夏婉清翻了个白眼看着他。"Someone?I?I have yet gone mad"the summer Wan Be pure to turn over a pearly to look him.

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简而言之,大家最好捕抓和食用新生的小白眼鱼而不要去吃那些又老又大的鱼。In other words, it's better to catch and eat a small, young walleye than a large, old one.

昨晚乔遭到白眼,应该治治他那种愿管别人事的毛病。That black eye that Joe got last night should cure him of minding other people's business.

对尽责的年轻队友喊出的爱国口号,我记得她会给予一两个白眼。I remember an eye-roll or two at the dutiful patriotic mantras spouted by a younger teammate.