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加小茴香的鸡蛋是传统的仲夏节食品。Eggs with dill are a traditional Midsummer food.

准备1/4茶匙香菜籽,1/4茶匙的小茴香和1/4茶匙的茴香籽,混合1.5升的热水,饮用一整天。Mix with 1.5 litres of hot water. Sip throughout the day.

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盐,黑胡椒,小茴香,干香叶,一个大料。Salt, Black Pepper, Fennel Seeds, Dried Basil, Star Anise.

此种状况应多吃黑豆、核桃仁、小茴香等。This situation should eat black beans, walnuts, fennel and so on.

同样地,您还可以做小茴香、红萝卜和其他美味素菜。The same thing goes for carrots with dill sauce and other gourmet veggies.

不添加任何孜然,只不过是无稽之谈,不认为所有的食物在新疆,那里有小茴香。Do not add any cumin , is simply nonsense, do not think that all the food in Xinjiang, where there cumin.

酸黄瓜是通过把黄瓜和诸如小茴香籽的成分放在充满盐水的桶中而制得的。Pickles are produced by placing cucumbers and such components as dill seeds in casks filled with a brine.

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小茴香中的茴香醚有助于将黑色素原改动为黑色素细胞,从而使头发变黑亮泽。Fennel helps to anisole in the changes to the original melanoma melanoma cells, so that the glossy black hair.

如果你的花园里种了小茴香或者欧芹,你可能就会招来这种蝴蝶,因为它的幼虫以这些食物为食。If you have dill or parsley in your garden you may well attract its attention for its caterpillars feed on these plants.

瑞伊一想到印度,脑海里就会浮现小茴香、姜黄、胡荽这些东西,当然,她也会想到瑜珈。Cumin , turmeric , coriander . These were the things that came to mind when Rae thought of India. Of course, she thought of yoga too.

鹰嘴豆是一个很好的箔像强烈香料咖喱粉,小茴香和辣椒,所以添加在沙拉,汤和意大利面食。Garbanzos are a good foil for strong spices like curry powder, cumin and cayenne pepper, so add them to salads, soups and pasta dishes.

小茴香精华帮助平衡肌肤油脂分泌,解决毛孔问题的根本成因。The essence of the common fennel helps balance the excretion of oily matter from your skin, and solves your pore problems substantially.

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加入肉,香菜,小茴香,姜黄,生姜,辣椒,小豆蔻,肉桂,丁香,月桂叶,盐和胡椒调味,搅动。Add the meat, coriander, cumin, turmeric, ginger root, chilies, cardamon , cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf, and salt and pepper to taste. Stir.

小茴香不仅是一种常用的调味品,还是一味常用中药,具有温肾散寒、和胃理气功效。Fennel is not only a general-adopted flavouring essence, but also a Chinesemedicine of dispelling cold, relieving pain and regulating the stomach function.

他们与大蒜、青葱、蓬蒿、龙篙、麝香草、月桂叶、牛至、和小茴香可以可口地混合,且也时常与橄榄、胡椒粉和西班牙混合。They blend deliciously with garlic, shallots , basil, tarragon, thyme, bay leaf, oregano, and cumin, and are often combined with olives, peppers, and Spain.

所有简单的食谱涉及到的都是把芒果搅打成黏浆状,然后或许可以加入少许牛奶,奶油和豆蔻,或者是糖,甚至是加入一些小茴香粉来调味。All the simple recipe involves is beating the mango into pulp, and maybe adding a little milk, cream and cardamom—or sugar, or even some cumin powder to spice things up.

黑龟豆将这些小可爱的小茴香,大蒜,橙汁或橄榄油他们折腾,香菜和切碎的蔬菜沙拉两个无比。Black Turtle BeansCombine these little lovelies with cumin, garlic and orange juice or toss them with olive oil, cilantro and chopped veggies for two incomparable salads.

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深石榴红色中带有一点粉红色,辛香中带有樱桃和小茴香的香味,悬钩子和黑樱桃的口感完美平衡。Garnet red robe, strong, brilliant with pinky hues. It's very fine, spicy, complex bouquet with aromas of cherry and cumin. Supple, well-balanced palate with notes of raspberry and black cherry.

用臼和杵或搅拌器将乾葱头、蒜头、黄姜、炒香的马拉盏、浸过夜的乾辣椒、芫荽籽、小茴香籽、茴香籽和香茅弄成酱。Using a mortar and pestle or food processor, pound or whizz the shallots, garlic, turmeric, sauteed belacan, soaked chilli, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds and lemongrass to make a paste.

用臼和杵或搅拌器将干葱头、蒜头、黄姜、炒香的马拉盏、浸过夜的干辣椒、芫荽籽、小茴香籽、茴香籽和香茅弄成酱。Using a mortar and pestle or food processor, pound or whizz the shallots, garlic, turmeric, sauteed belacan, soaked chilli, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds and lemongrass to make a paste.