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看到有人穿着不拘一格固然是好事。It is nice to see someone dressing differently.

此外,戈尔巴乔夫的兴趣可谓不拘一格。Gorbachev has pursued some more eclectic interests as well.

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马云管理公司的方式也同样不拘一格。Mr Ma's approach to running the company is similarly independent.

靠近了观察,你会发现它其实是一座不拘一格的钢制雕塑。Up close, you can see that it's a steel sculpture of an eclectic bunch of subjects.

但此类作品的流行势头正在日渐衰落,相反地,中国当今在世的最成功的艺术家曾梵志的画风从来都是不拘一格。By contrast, Mr Zeng, China’s mostsuccessful living artist, hasn’t become stuck in a single, rigid type ofpainting.

稻草人无框画简约时尚,无不流露出设计师充满着自信洒脱又不拘一格的个性”如何翻译才够味?Its frameless paintings are a fashion statement on simplicity and a unique reflection of its free and easy designers.

如果你觉得比较讨巧的商务休闲风格是你的首选的话,不妨试试再加一点时髦的气质吧,配上高筒的靴子,不但是风格出众、又显低调含蓄,不失是为一种对不拘一格“爱国主义”风格的嘲讽。If you thought Smart Casual was a tricky dress code, try Chic, Competitive yet Understated and Possibly Ironic Patriotism.

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美国19世纪著名女诗人艾米莉·狄金森以新颖独特的意象和不拘一格的语言形式著称。The American poetess Emily Dickinson in the 19th century is well-known for her original imagery and unbound language style.

她在一次采访中说,她的自我风格并不只是为了吸引别人的注意,而更多是在不拘一格地表达她的个性。Her own style is not so much a bid for attention as the untrammeled expression of her personality, she said in an interview.

但此类作品的流行势头正在日渐衰落,相反地,中国当今在世的最成功的艺术家曾梵志的画风从来都是不拘一格。By contrast, Mr Zeng, one of China’s most successful living artists, hasn’t become stuck in a single, rigid type of painting.

达信保险经纪人公司和捷蓝航空公司提供了很好的范例,两家公司都不拘一格地进行了品牌康复治疗。Marsh & McLennan and JetBlue provide good examples of companies that took a no-holds-barred approach to brand rehabilitation.

不拘一格,随意创作,繁杂的凤图可以用三个点来表达,虎的背上可以有大雁在飞翔。Eclectic, casual creativity, Feng complicated three-point plan can be used to express, the tiger's back in the flying geese can.

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要不拘一格用好各方面创新人才,集众智、汇众力,提高社会创新效率。We must enable all talents to apply their potential, pool their talents and strength, and raise the efficiency of the innovation.

可以预计,将来会出现多种多样的文学类型和表面上的不拘一格,但隐含的情趣和见识会大同小异。We can expect an extraordinary variety of genre and apparent eclecticism, but with an underlying conformity of sentiment and vision.

其次从忆语文本中鲜明的抒情主人公形象、不拘一格的结构方式和写意的艺术表现方式三方面论述忆语体文学的诗性风格。Second, I analyze its poetry style , such as distinct image of lyric leading character, out-of-order structure , far-reaching imagery.

人事部门考核、录用新职工,要做到既讲学历,又不惟学历,“不拘一格降人才”。When testing and hiring new workers, personnel departments must pay attention to educational background, but not as the only criterion.

甘霖是目前中国省政府领导班子中最年轻的女性副省长,学者出身、海归……她的经历代表着湖南省在任用女干部上的“不拘一格”。Gan is currently the youngest female deputy governor in China, and her story bespeaks Hunan Province's resolve in appointing female leaders.

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又一次出乎我的意料,和所有的偏见以及那些可疑的唐人街的饭菜相反,我发现了一些世上最新鲜的食物和不拘一格的庄稼。To my surprise, and again, against every bias and shady Chinatown meals, I also found some of the world's freshest food and most eclectic crops.

基民盟的一干普通大众,和生于东德的默克尔主席相处一直都感到非常拘束,时常被她不拘一格,突变的行为而搞的晕头转向,手足无措。The CDU rank and file, never wholly at ease with the East German-born Mrs Merkel as party chairman, is bewildered by her abrupt changes of course.

凭借其不拘一格的传统审美,吃惊不小的吸引了来自泰勒的个人生活经验的灵感,使每一个品牌的正宗的元素。With its eclectic and traditional aesthetic, Wonderstruck draws inspiration from Taylor's personal life experiences, making every element of the brand authentic.