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恻隐之心在她胸中起伏。Pity heaved her breast.

我强忍住胸中的怒火。I tried to subdue my fury.

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赤心在胸中,上帝在头上!Heart within, and God o'erhead!

胸中有赤心,头上有上帝!Heart within, and God overhead!

赤心胸中存,上帝在天堂!Heart within , and God over head!

只是我胸中这颗心合适的衣裳。Is but the seemly raiment of my heart.

让话语和呼吸一起冰凝在胸中。Now my words, are frosted with every breath ?

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惟利是图者,胸中无美好的品德。virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man.

我……,语言已经不能形容我此时此刻胸中千军万马的心情啦!I can't describe my complicated emotion by word now!

他无法抑制胸中涌起的义愤。He couldn't control the indignation that swelled in his heart.

他的眼中折射出欣喜,他的胸中奔涌着豪放。His eyes reflected the joy of his chest Haofang surging forward.

对此,我们的头脑是清醒的,胸中是有数的,信心是坚定的。But we in China remain clear-headed and are firm in our confidence.

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在这些人的胸中,精神生活在沉默的节奏里。In the bosom of such as these the spirit dwells in rhythmic silence.

失望和愤怒在我体内形成一个既硬且苦的块垒从胸中直翻上来。Disappointment and anger formed a solid bitter lump rising inside me.

只要你追求真理,真理就会在你胸中燃烧。——河原崎长十郎。If you pursue the truth, and the truth will be burning in your chest.

让话语和呼吸一块儿冰凝在胸中。Now my words, Air Force 1 Classic Mid, are frosted with every breath.

“那是玛丽亚,”我说,胸中同时涌起一股淡淡的不适感。"That's Mary, " I say, a faint sense of unease stirring in my breast.

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所以每次你感到愧疚感在胸中翻涌,就要意识到这是你的过去找上你了。So every time guilt comes up, know that it is something from the past.

喘气的职员们闷热的胸中填满了足够的痛苦.The puffy staff’s stuffy chests are stuffed with sufficient suffering.

“几乎每一个小时,我胸中洋溢的激情都可以回味一辈子,”他说。"Almost every hour you pack enough emotions for a lifetime, " he says.