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这是我客居在外时暂住的家。This is my home away from home.

客居他乡并不总是一件令人愉快的事。Living in a strange land is not always a pleasant thing.

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客居异乡的瑞士人听了放牧调会引起强烈的思乡之情。On hearing it, those Swiss living abroad will feel homesick.

选择客居,可以说是一种对故土的不忠行为。To choose foreignness is an act of disloyalty to one's native country.

在分区解决方案中,客居操作系统必须与宿主操作系统相同。In a partitioning solution the guest OS must be identical to the host OS.

然而事情并非都那么糟糕。客居生活本身便带有刺激色彩。Even so, all other things being equal, foreignness is intrinsically stimulating.

从四个层次来解读姜夔客居意识的独特内涵。Besides, the paper also interprets the connotation of inquilinism from four sides.

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他告诉我,大批客居海外的印度人回到印度,他们深知印度拥有无限的机遇。Indians are coming home in hordes, he told me, because they sense the opportunity in India.

现在是一个人客居在外,经常会想起一些事,属于未来的事。Now is the guest of a person outside, often think of something belonging to the next thing.

玛丽乐意目前以牧师住宅为家,亨利同样愿意继续客居下去。Mary was satisfied with the Parsonage as a present home, and Henry equally ready to lengthen his visit.

短短四天,客居的感觉那么强烈——在没有母亲的故乡,我没有家。During the brief four days, the feeling of sojourn was so strong—homeland without mother, I have no home.

来自中原的“本”与在客居地的“变”如何统一成今天丰富多彩的客家民居文化?。How does the diversified Hakka folk architectural culture of today develop from its original form and change?

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清廷逊位后,一百多名遗老客居德人占据的青岛。More than one hundred old fogies migrated to Qingdao occupied by Genmany after the Qing Dynasty's abdication.

表现了诗人对家乡的恋恋不舍以及客居异乡的无奈与痛楚。Expresses the poet's home reluctantly, as well as staying as a guest a foreign country's frustration and pain.

一个虚拟化软件层,管理来自客居操作系统的请求,仿真来自实际硬件的回答。The virtualization software layer managing hardware requests from a guest OS, simulating answers from a real hardware.

从总体上看,外迁移民普遍存在“客居心态”,而“主人翁心态”则显得较为薄弱。Generally, it is a common phenomenon that resettiers regard themselves as guests in the new inhabiting place instead of masters.

古往今来,人们常用“月圆”、“月缺”来形容“悲欢离合”,客居他乡的游子,更是以月来寄托深情。Since time immemorial, people often "moon" and "moon" to describe "say bye" in a strange land, in the hope to consign more deeply.

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我客居中国,并在此工作。我深受这份支持占领华尔街运动团结声明的鼓舞。I am a guest living and working here in China and feel most heartened by this statement of solidarity with the OccupyWallStreet movement.

所有老外都具有好奇心。这让他们成为业余的人类学者。他们以友好之心,想了解客居国家的新鲜社交礼节。Every foreigner of inquiring mind becomes a part-time anthropologist, wondering and smiling at the new social rituals of his adoptive country.

约翰·勒奇特是一位来自澳大利亚的社会学教授。他将客居的特点描述为“一种逃离平凡无聊日常生活的状态”。John Lechte, an Australian professor of social theory, characterises foreignness as "an escape from the boredom and banality of the everyday".