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那只船迎头撞上了礁石。The ship struck the rocks head on.

他对我一顿迎头臭骂。He greeted me with a stream of abuse.

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中国会迎头而上而你们只能在后面望尘莫及。China may just leave them in the dust.

加文拒绝,决心迎接他的命运迎头。Gawain refuses, determined to meet his fate head-on.

才刚骂完,他便迎头撞上一群过马路的猪。Just after doing that, he crushed into a group of pigs.

他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥。His speech is a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy.

他的车和一辆公共汽车迎头相撞,受了重伤。He was badly injured when his car was in head-on collision with a bus.

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保尔的汽车同一辆公共汽车迎头相撞时,受了重伤。Paul was badly injured when his car was in head-on collision with a bus.

才刚骂完,他便迎头撞上一群过马路的猪。At this moment, he run against a crowd of pigs which were crossing the road.

在第二次试验中,双方的卡车在单行道上迎头相遇。In the second trial your trucks meet head-on travelling up the one-way road.

我非常失望,离成功仅有半步之遥,竟又被迎头堵住了!I was crushed to be so close to success and then to be blocked! Sadly I walked away.

不要逃避改变或佯装变化不存在,而是迎头应对改变。Instead of avoiding the change or pretending it doesn’t exist, deal with it—head on.

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而另外一些人想让美国过度扩张,在海外每发现一个邪恶,就去迎头面对。Others would have America over-extended, confronting every evil that can be found abroad.

刚拐了一个弯儿,我就迎头撞见了我们的一个奴隶,跟着一个看守他的人,扒头探脑的,正在那里走来走去。The fIrst corner I turned, I came plump upon one of our slaves, snoopIng around wIth a watchman.

而另外一些人想让美国过度扩张,在海外每发现一个邪恶,就去迎头面对。Others would have America over-extend ourselves, confronting every evil that can be found abroad.

当历史即将被重新编写时,它就不可避免地要与根深蒂古的信息迎头相撞。When history gets re-written like this, it can lead to head-on collision with deeply-held beliefs.

我们从那不勒斯开始,然后在背靠背的联赛中取胜,我们现在要迎头赶到前面。It started in Naples, we built from that with back-to-back league wins and now we have come from behind.

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这件事不仅仅是希腊人的挥霍无度和德国人的道德优越感之间的迎头怒撞。There is more to the story than an angry collision between Greek profligacy and German moral superiority.

就好像告诉某人,“喂,如果你按下这个按钮,你会得到响应,同时伴有迎头一击。”It's like telling someone, “Hey, if you press this button, you'll get a treat, but also a bonk on the head.

他沿着冷飕飕的楼梯上到半途,迎头碰上下来的山姆威尔塔利。“你从国王那里出来?”琼恩问他。Halfway up the winding steps, he came upon Samwell Tarly, headed down. "Are you coming from the king?" Jon asked him.