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先生,这是我的位子。This is my place, sir.

我们可不可以坐靠窗的位子?Can we sit by a window.

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没位子了,你看不看?No seat, you see no see?

请给我非吸烟区的位子。汉。I'd like a non-smoking seto.

请回去你的位子。Please go back to your seats.

她弓着背坐在位子上。She hunched down in her seat.

那里只有这麽多位子。There are only so many seats.

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我想我们可以给你挪个位子。I think we can squeeze you in.

这儿仍有位子。There are some seats here too.

第一排还有位子吗?Are there first-row seats left?

唉呀,不好意思。我们的位子在哪啊?Oh, sorry. Where are our seats?

他在我的裤子位子上碰撞我.He hit me on the seat of my pants.

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这就是。请给我们禁烟区的位子。Here you are. Non-smoking, please.

票的位子也不错,在正面看台。It's a good seat in the grandstand.

我从来没有坐过议长的位子。Ive never sat in a chairmans chair.

如果你想要一张好位子的话,及早去预订。Book early if you want a good table.

不同的是现在他坐在戴维斯的位子上。Only now with him in the Davis role.

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您看得出,我很重视这个位子。You see, I am attached to this place.

请您移过去一个位子好吗?Could you move along one seat, please?

敬辞这个位子被占了吗?。I beg your pardon. Is this seat taken?