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这是她的杰作。This is a painting of her.

他的小说是一部精心的杰作。His novel is a fine effort.

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这本书是他的杰作。This book is his masterpiece.

这是一部杰作,不可不读。A masterpiece and a must-read.

那么这件杰作在哪里呢?And where is this masterpiece?

是城市艺术的至高杰作。Are the masterpiece of city arts.

您是耶洛因的杰作。You are the Elohim's masterpiece.

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以及他的杰作”大礼帽”。” and his masterpiece, “Top Hat”.

这是另一部杰作,不可不读。Another masterpiece and must-read.

这本书将是他的杰作。The book would be his masterpiece.

那一首乐曲是音乐的杰作。That number is a masterpiece of music.

当然,这次越狱行动是一份里应外合的杰作。Of course the escape was an inside job.

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伦布兰特的画都是杰作。RemBrandt's paintings are masterpieces.

九寨沟是大自然的杰作。Jiuzhaigou is the masterpiece of nature.

茶是人与大自然携手共创的杰作。Tea is created jointly by man and nature.

连衣服上的花纹都是一针一线的杰作。Even the picture in the cloth is handmade!

家庭是大自然创造的杰作之一。The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.

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生命是一幅等待你挥墨泼彩的杰作。Life is a masterpiece waiting to be painted.

这些嶂都是大自然的杰作。These screen-like peaks are works of nature.

艺术的杰作是一层薄雾刻进图画后形成的。A work of art is a mist carved into an image.