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一个牵强的预测吗?A farfetched prediction?

那是太牵强的平等。That is an equality too far.

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这听上去是否太牵强了?Does this sound too far-fetched?

那么,它可能不那么牵强。Well,it may not be so farfetched.

这种假设情形似乎有点牵强。This scenario may seem farfetched.

是的,它实际上没有那样的牵强。Well, it may not be so farfetched.

你的解释有些牵强。Your explanation sounds farfetched.

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他把那话题牵强地扯进演讲中。He lugged the subject into his speech.

这部电影被不实际的牵强情节给毁了。The film is spoilt by unrealistic contrivances of plot.

这门课程可能带有一丝牵强,不过学生倒是很喜欢。It may be a little far-fetched but students enjoy the course.

因此,空洞、牵强的说教是必须要杜绝的。Therefore, the hollow, far-fetched preaching must be eliminated.

这就是某个开发者对结对编程的牵强解释。That's how one developer explained his reluctance to pair program.

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动倡导者的真正意图,因为,不管他们的原则在今天看来多么牵强无理advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their

你也不必牵强再说爱我,反正我的灵魂已片片凋落。Not far fetched to say you love me, anyway, my soul has patches of litter.

但是,幸亏混沌理论,这种想法并非像它看来那样牵强。Yet the idea isn't as farfetched as it might seem, thanks to chaos theory.

“你从来就不多唱几句,”她又说,冲我微笑一下,显得牵强而痛苦。“You never sing enough, ” she added. Her smile to me was effortful and pinched.

塞思到场是件好事——一种联系,虽然牵强,和我的伴郎之间的联系。Having Seth there would be nice—a link, however tenuous , to my missing best man.

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Mitra承认将鸟类文化与人类文化进行类比有点牵强。Mitra admits that the analogies between bird culture and human culture are tenuous.

对韩国的货币牵强的1309韩元低于周五的1336。Against the South Korean currency, it fetched 1, 309 won, down from 1, 336 won Friday.

一些人仍然会认为这个关于音乐和社会的分析和柏拉图的观点一样有些牵强。To some, this analysis of music and society may seem no less far-fetched than Plato's.