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一些野猫打扰了他平平静静的生活。Some wild cats disturbed his vegetable life.

简简单单而平平静静、这就是我想要的小幸福。Simple and calm, this is what I want happiness.

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我们平平静静分手了,没有争吵也应该是这样。We parted peacefully, without a row as it should be.

我只要他平平静静的陪我度过这一世的时光。So long as I he tranquil accompany me to pass this life time.

那个下午平平静静地过去了,并没有什么特别的事情。The evening passed quietly, unmarked by any thing extraordinary.

高尔夫球带给他们了解,不过,真正的爱从不会平平静静地跑过的。The golf brought them understanding but true love never runs smooth.

我参加了这次大行军,我们平平静静地向前走着,这里警察突然来了。I join in the march and we were marching peacefully along and then the police came up.

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我参加了这次大进军。我们平平静静地向前走着,这时警察突然来了。I joined in the march and we were marching peacefully along and then the police came up.

奶牛场老板克里克奶牛场里挤奶的男女工人们,生活得舒舒适适的,平平静静的,甚至是快快活活的。Dairyman Crick's household of maids and men lived on comfortably, placidly, even merrily.

他们一切都是老样子,习以为常、平平静静。”娜塔莎心中说。Everything goes on in its old, regular, easy way with them, " Natasha was saying inwardly."

多么希望就此停止了,多么希望不再惊扰,平平静静的就好了,而我知道,这又是我一厢情愿的想法。How to stop, how do not want to alarm, peace and good, but I know, it is my wishful thinking.

我愿在暴风雨中锻炼自己,不愿在平平静静的日子里度过自己的一生。I would like to exercise their own in the storm, very calm in the days do not want to spend your life there.

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当然不算,真正的幸福是心无任何杂念,平平静静,安安稳稳的度过每一天。Of course not, true happiness is the heart without any distractions, go, be firm and secure to spend every day.

我喜欢平平静静,一个人呆着所拥有的那份宁静,他白天的安排会非常的匆忙,那么晚上,我们会尽其所能的享受在一起的时光。I like peace and solitude and silence. And his day schedule is so frantic that nights, evenings, we keep them for us as much as we can.

北方大多数黑人一直不参与斗争,黑人区里一切平平静静,没有人打破这种平静。The majority of black men in the North had remained outside the struggle. Nothing was happening in the ghettos. No one was making it happen.

而对太多的不如意,你无须怨天尤人,只能坦然面对成败得失,在恬恬淡淡、平平静静中学会知足。Of too many disappointments, you do not have the blame on others, can only cope with success and failure frankly, in the Tien-Tien pale, flat in a quiet contented Society.

左承仕第一次开诚布公,平平静静的和女儿谈阿莲,不像那个晚上发狂的成分多一些。Is left to approve an official for the premier time frankly and earnestly, so-so quiet talk with daughter lotus, no for many some as the essay that becomes crazy in the nightfall.