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他们安排了一次义演音乐会。They arranged for a benefit concert.

因为天可能会下雨,我们计划在室内举行义演。We plan to hold the show indoors because it might rain.

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许多演员都参加了这场义演。Many actors and actresses took part the charity performance.

因为你,他们都对慈善义演变得非常感兴趣。They all became very interested in charity shows because of you.

他组织了世界上首次全球义演,取名“性命之助”。Geldof organized the world's first global charity concert "Live Aid".

那一天终于来了,我太紧张了怕主持不好那慈善义演。The big day came at last . I am too nervous to host the charity show.

格利的母亲甘佳娜夫人要在水晶花园大酒店举行义演晚会。Gayle mother GanJiaNa lady in crystal garden hotel held charity party.

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上周歌手们为海啸义演筹款。The singers had a ----- ----- to ----- ----- -----the tsunami last week.

今天参加一个为小孩筹募基金的义演。Today I took part in a benefit performance, collecting funds for children.

这个演出的最好部分是受难生存下来的人来到我们慈善义演讲话。The best part of the show was that victims came to our charity show to speak.

这是一个政治喜剧组义演称为旧金山默特鲁普。It was a benefit performance for a political comedy group called the San Francisco Mime Troup.

这次义演的全部收入将用于建设一座希望小学。The proceeds from charity's performance will be contributed to building a Hope Primary School.

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这次义演的全部收入将用于建设一座希望小学。The proceeds from the charity's performance will be contributed to building a hope primary school.

另外,全国各地举行了数场赈灾义演为地震幸存者募集钱款。There were also several concerts across the country to raise money for the survivors of the quake.

这次义演的全部收入将用于建设一座希望小学。All the money collected from this benefit performance will be used in building a Hope Primary School.

2008年四川大地震发生后,该项目参与者为其他青少年举行了多场义演。After the devastating 2008 earthquake, program participants offered free performances to young people.

鲍勃邀请那些世界闻名的歌手来义演,为的是替饥民们筹款。Bob invited world-famous singers to sing for free so that he could collect money for the hungry people.

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慈善基金、义演、拍卖、捐赠等等都是体育慈善最直接的表现形式。Charity fund, charity performance, auction and donation are the most direct forms of expression of sports charity.

发挥公共宣传作用最有利的时机是赞助文体活动、义演晚会。The most widely used opportunities of generating publicity are sponsorship of cultural activities, benefit evenings.

著名钢琴演奏家安德烈·沃茨身体不适,他本来要在芝加哥拉维尼亚音乐节演奏“节日义演之夜”。The great pianist Andre Watts, who was to play the "Gala Benefit Evening" at Chicago's Ravinia Festival, had become ill.