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在马华公会中,有些领袖是敢怒敢言的。In MCA, there is some leaders who dare to speak.

古地多圮,时哉不敢言。Destroyed the ancient and more, dare not made when Weizai.

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他炽灼的气焰让在座的人敢怒而不敢言。His power was so great that the people present had to swallow their anger.

老先生真是敢言,敢言人之心中或许都有却未必能够说出来的话。Old man is outspoken, outspoken person may have in mind may not be able to say so.

陈日君以宗教及政治自由的敢言观点闻名。Cardinal Zen is famous for his outspoken views on democratic and religious freedoms.

敢怒敢言如今成为了马华公会党选的一个热门的话题。Speak up with no fear became a very hot topic among MCA general election discussion.

这敢言立委时就大不讳,他宣布他支持药物使用。That out-spoken legislator went out on a limb when he declared his support for drug using.

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将到来…通过敢言…和坦言。你就可以停止被动型侵犯行为。You can stop passive aggressive behavior in the workplace by speaking up and speaking out.

我敢言,倘若没有“恐怖的人”做铺垫,那么,吃豆猛兽不会这么大牌、这么受宠的。Dare I say that without El Terrible the Pac-monster wouldn't exist as we know and love him today.

中国一些敢言的杂志,尽管是国有的,仍批评了上海的决定。Some of China's feistier journals, despite being state-owned, have criticised Shanghai's decision.

中国一些敢言的杂志,尽管是国有的,仍批评了上海的决定。Some of China's feistier journals, despite being state-owned, have criticized Shanghai's decision.

卡扎菲“说出了其他人”——那些精英们——“所不敢言的令人不快的真相”。Qaddafi "spoke the unpalatable truths that others" -- those elites -- "did not dare to articulate."

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北宋中期的诗人梅挚生平虽不煊赫,但为官清廉,正直敢言,堪称循吏。Mei Zhi was not a poet of great renown, but an honest and upright official in Northern Song Dynasty.

你们谈论得越多,你们两越有可能将此前犹豫不敢言的感受说出来。The more you talk, the more you’ll both unearth fantasies you may have been hesitant to voice before.

太宗亦觉多禄敢言切谏,不只没有责罚,还恩赐有加!The emperor also think Paul dare speak more than doing not only not rebuke, cut, also add gift! ! ! ! !

自创办起就以监督政府、开启民智为己任,以大公无私的态度评论时事,以“敢言”著称于时。It took on the public affairs such as supervising government and enlightening civilian wisdom as its own duty.

日本军官铃木让厨师田小德给陈若水母女送些吃的,田小德有怒不敢言。Japanese officers suzuki chef Tian Xiaode send some food to Chen Reshui mother and daughter, Tian Xiaode have anger dare not speak.

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那些不法地主一面在干部和群众之间进行挑拨离间,一面采取高压手段迫使群众敢怒而不敢言。While the landlords were playing the peasant off against the cadre, they also sometimes took more drastic means to silence the peasant.

默多克这位直率敢言的媒体巨头上周表示,他很可能把自己新闻集团旗下的报纸内容从谷歌等搜索引擎中屏蔽掉。The outspoken media mogul indicated last week that he was likely to block his papers' stories from showing up on search engines such as Google.

就因为我们为他们服务,就对他们不干活,浪费我们的时间,无视我们的建议,胡乱做些决定,而置之不理,怒不敢言吗?As we are their servants, there is no sanction or invoice when they don't do their work, waste our time, ignore our advice or make the wrong decision.