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社会议程。Social Agenda.

如何管理社会媒体?How do we manage it?

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这就是我们的社会。This is our society.

社会进化有时实在是太快了。Evolution is over-rated.

这是一个社会问题。This is asocial problem.

什么是社会医学?What is social medicine?

还是踏入社会?。Or step into the society?

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社会也同此理。Community with this point.

那社会变革呢?How about societal change?

我们的社会是个世俗社会。Ours is a secular society.

社会就是这样在成熟。This is how society grows.

我们生活在一个忙碌的社会。We live in a busy society.

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颠覆社会秩序Upsetting the social order.

你只是出生于这个社会。You were just born into it.

你如何定义社会?How do you define “society”?

现代社会是抵制爱的。Modern society is anti-love.

那是个毫无生气的社会。That's an etiolated society.

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你们生活在民主社会中You all live in a democracy.

尽你所能融入社会。Be as sociable as you can be.

网络社会需嘦民主。Democracy above the web goes.