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我想他是有的。I think he is.

有的人说世界将毁于冰。Some say in ice.

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我认为是有的。I think there is.

我相信是有的。I believe there is.

我收藏了他所有的影集。I had all his albums.

有的,勾出了表象。Some draw appearance.

有的,我们有凉拌鸡。I'd love chicken salad.

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有的人坐船去。Some are going by boat.

有的网友大加追捧。Some net pals pursue it.

有的出生于牛槽。Some are born in mangers.

有的,不过只有猩红色的了。Yes, but only in scarlet.

有的吸血鬼自己还拥有城堡。Some of them have castles.

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有的连回信地址都投有。Some had no return address.

有的人留下了吊唁卡。Some left condolence cards.

有的女人就去帮着弄饭。Some women go to help cook.

有的只是另一种测试。There is only another test.

屋子里所有的人都不作声。All were silent in the room.

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不过,补偿是有的。But there are compensations.

有的时候,我很喜欢玩儿那个。I like to do that sometimes.

公园里有湖吗?有的。Is there a lake in the park?