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康辉旅行社我们去看看那座城堡吧。Let's go to see the castle.

现在他拥有了一家旅行社。Now he owns a travel agency.

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您好,这里是AZ旅行社。Hello, this is AZ Travel Agency.

这是青年旅行社吗?Is this the Youth Travel Agency?

也许,成立一个DDB旅行社?Maybe we set up a DDB travel agency?

昂秀旅行社,能帮您什么吗?Onxiu Travel Agency, may I help you?

度假者把旅行社围了个水泄不通。Vacationers besieged the travel office.

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我是中国国际旅行社的李明。见到你很高兴。I'm Li Ming from CITS . Glad to see you.

打扰了,这儿是古韵旅行社吗?Yes. I am thinking of a tour to Australia.

请挂旅行社。Please put me through to the tourist agency.

旅行社的人预订了我们假期的船票。The travel agent booked our vacation cruise.

携程旅行网是中国最大的在线旅行社。Ctrip is China's largestonline travel agency.

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这是东亚旅行社,早上好,我能为你效劳吗?East- asia travel. Good- morning. Can I help you?

是丽江地区成立最早的旅行社。Lijiang Prefecture is the oldest travel agencies.

这是中国最大的网上旅行社。This is the biggest Chinese online travel agency.

此外,各旅行社现也已叫停了前往印度的各条旅游线。In addition, tour lines to India have been stopped.

凯西走进一家旅行社。瑞克?肯特迎接她。Kathy enters a travel agency. Rick Kent greets her.

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在新加坡,亚航不通过旅行社进行机票销售。In Singapore, it does not sell through travel agents.

旅行社也将处理所有棘手的文书工作。The travel agent deals with all the tricky paperwork.

我是国际旅行社的赵波。This is Zhao Bo from the International Travel Agency.