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脑内寄生可致人、畜死亡,所以囊虫病要比有钩绦虫病危害严重。Parasitic brain can cause, livestock deaths, cysticercosis a hook than 1, 457 seriously harmed.

目的报告用扫描电镜观察脑内寄生的猪囊尾蚴囊胞超微结构的结果。Aim To report the result of ultrastructure observation of the cysticercus cysts in human brain with SEM.

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微孢子虫是一类专性细胞内寄生的病原微生物,它能寄生于包括人在内几乎所有的动物体内。Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites that can infect a wide variety of animals ranging from insects to human.

后来的研究显示肥胖鼠和患肥胖的人相比健康的同类,体内寄生的拟杆菌门菌更少。Later studies showed that both obese mice and obese people harbored fewer Bacteroidetes bacteria than their normal-weight counterparts.

结核分枝杆菌是细胞内寄生菌,机体抵抗结核分枝杆菌的感染主要依靠细胞免疫。M. bovis is a kind of parasitic bacterium in the cell. In the immunity of anti-mycobacterium, cell mediated immunity exerts leading effect.

像根瘤菌一样,固氮的内寄生弗兰克氏菌能够诱发特殊的根瘤结构,在其中进行生物固氮过程。Like rhizobia , the nitrogen-fixing endophyte Frankia elicits the formation of specialized root nodule structures which house BNF processes.

越南一项研究显示,肠内寄生蠕虫,如十二指肠虫,可能帮助哮喘和其他过敏症新疗法的研究。Parasitic gut worms, such as hookworm, might aid the development of new treatments for asthma and other allergies, a study in Vietnam suggests.

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布鲁氏菌是兼性胞内寄生菌,它们主要定居在巨噬细胞和胎盘滋养层细胞这两类宿主细胞,。Brucella spp. are facultative intracellular pathogen that resides predominantly within two host cell types, macrophage and placental trophoblasts.

弓形虫是一种专性细胞内寄生原虫,由其引起的弓形虫病在全世界范围内广泛的流行,严重地威胁了人类的健康。Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an obligatory endoparasite. It has resulted in a worldwide epidemic, which seriously threats the health of human being.

表明中药复方可以用于大黄鱼体内寄生纤毛虫病的防治。This case has strongly indicated that the Chinese herbal formula can be used for large yellow croaker in the prevention and treatment of endoparasitic ciliate disease.

微孢子虫为一绝对细胞内寄生之真核生物,寄主范围包含无脊椎动物及脊椎动物,主要是以鱼类及昆虫的微孢子虫为主。Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasited eukaryotes. The range of hosts included invertebrate and vertebrate. The microsporidian species parasited mainly fishes and insects.

此外,脂筏在朊蛋白感染、HCV基因组复制、多种细菌毒素作用以及维持疟原虫的胞内寄生生活等方面也都有重要作用。Furthermore, lipid rafts are involved in such diverse aspects of pathogen attack as prion infection, HCV genome replication, bacteria toxin effect as well as malarial parasite life cycle.

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本文首次报道,罗源湾内网箱养殖的大黄鱼发现一种由体内寄生纤毛虫引起的新的疾病。In this paper, it is first reported that a new disease caused by one kind of endoparasitic ciliate has existed among the cage-cultured large yellow croakers in Luoyuan Bay, Fuzhou, China.

目的布鲁氏菌是兼性细胞内寄生菌,能够在吞噬细胞内长期存活并繁殖,引起家畜流产和人的波浪热。Brucella spp are the facultative intracellular pathogens with the ability to survive and multiply in phagocytes, and they can cause abortion of pregnant domestic animals and undulant fever in humans.