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将指针分别固定在各自的转轴上。The hands are driven one by one onto the arbors.

行星在围绕太阳旋转的同时,也绕着它们的自转轴自转。Planets revolve about the sun and rotate on their axis.

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我记得木制椅子的弓背和转轴。I remember wooden chairs with arched backs and spindles.

启动机驱动安装在电枢转轴上的齿轮。The starter drive gear is mounted on the armature shaft.

转轴角-----球旋转时转轴的倾斜的角度。The rotational angle of a ball around its rotational axis.

手上拿著车轮迴旋仪并保持它的转轴水平。Hold the spinning Bicycle Wheel Gyroscope with its axis horizontal.

柜门同转轴式活动铰链与构架相连,安装拆卸方便。Cubicle door conjunction pintle that is easy for assemble or unload.

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外管顶部通过活动转轴收合。The top of the outer pipe is furled through a movable rotating shaft.

这一独特的混合控制给你的占星为基础的个性增加了一个转轴。This unique blend adds a spin to your astrological-based personality.

风力推动固定在转轴上两三个像推进器一样的叶片。The energy in the wind turns two or three propeller-like blades around a rotor.

本系统在两个转轴的末端连接电位计,以量取实际的转角并回授至控制器。True angles are fed back to controller by attached potentiometers on both axes.

如果你对折刀感兴趣,检查在刀子开合的时候承受力的转轴。If you're interested in a folding blade knife, examine the pivot point thoroughly.

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通常硬盘有几个安放在一根中央转轴上的碟盘。Commonly, hard disks have several disk platters mounted on a single central spindle.

双转轴转向系统适用于敞蓬和打开顶蓬两种模式。Double shift rotation system is suitable for both opening and skylight-opened modes.

备有不同规格的转轴可与各种地弹簧配合使用。The turnable axes of different specification can be used with different floor spring.

利用弧形光栅尺的旋转微位移测量功能,组建一组测量体系,用于测量巨型转轴的扭矩。A method of measure large rotation shaft torque based on the arc encoder is presented.

在274个点光源的每一处都有一个目标在远程驱动转轴上被支托。At each of the 274 support points, a target is supported on a remotely actuated hinge.

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备有不同规格的转轴可与各种地弹簧配合使用。The turnable axles of different specification can be used with different floor spring.

这个转轴是连接到可以转动发电装置发电的主转轴上的。The rotor is connected to the main shaft, which spins a generator to create electricity.

介绍了一种新研制成功的专利产品——径向迷宫式回转轴密封装置。A new developed patent product, radial labyrinth drive shaft sealing unit was introduced.