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表面上看来,它只是一种能说会道的能力,可实际上它却包罗了一个人从穿衣打扮到言谈举止等一切行为的能力。It seems it's just a talktive ability.

为了孩子能说会道,鹌鹑嫁给了鹦鹉。For the child glib, quail was married parrot.

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周向东能说会道,很会搞人际关系。Zhouxiangdong passed, will engage in a very personal.

孔子说,“能说会道有什么用呢?巧嘴利舌地和人争辩,常常被人厌恶。To confront people with a glib tongue often makes them detest you.

他有没有仁德,我不清楚,但何必要能说会道呢?I do not know about his being humane, but what does he need eloquence for?

没有一个能说会道的总统职位竞争者在制定外交政策方面有丰富的经验。No plausible contender for the presidency has much foreign-policy experience.

拉多维奇说,彭日成不讲良心,不过是个能说会道的骗子。Danny was unscrupulous, nothing more than a fast-talking con man, ' Mr. Radovich says.

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我的姐姐有两个明亮的大眼睛,一张能说会道的嘴巴和一头长头发。My elder sister has two bright eyes, a glib mouth and long hair. She studies very good.

和一般的模特儿不同的是,“房模”不光是摆个简单的造型,还得能说会道。And the general model is different, "the Housing module" is not a simple forms have passed.

那些得到学位的青年人个个神气十足,精神饱满,能说会道。These young men and women who carry away our degrees are attractive, energetic and eloquent.

看起来能说会道的是,只要灾难性的危机还很小时,任何改变都不要采取。It seems plausible that, even if the risk of catastrophe is slight, no chances should be taken.

他可真是一个能说会道,做出各种保证,手腕很厉害的人。Some people call my brother a wheeler-dealer because he's made so much money buying and selling real estate.

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吟游诗人,在第二版中获得全面修改的职业,他们能说会道、心地善良而开溜的时候又“动则脱兔”。Bards, a completely revised class for Second Edition, are " glib of tongue, light of heart, and fleet of foot."

一个能说会道的人也许能吸来诸多听众,但懂得倾听之士才容易结交朋友。A good speaker may attract any number of audiences, but as it turns out, a good listener can keep any number of friends.

说到我好的朋友,那就是小孙啦!她有着一双黑宝石般的大眼睛,一张樱桃小嘴能说会道。To my good friend it is that xiao sun! She has a pair of big eyes of black stones a cherry mouth have kissed the blarney stone.

表面上看来,它只是一种能说会道的能力,可实际上它却包罗了一个人从穿衣打扮到言谈举止等一切行为的能力。Superficially, it is only a kind of capability, but it includes all actions’ capacity from dressing to speech and behavior in truth.

他幽默机智,能说会道,给齐威王出过许多好主意,并且成功出使了许多其他的国家。He was wise, humorous and eloquent. He skillfully advised the king on many occasions and successfully went to many states as an envoy.

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我聪明的老姨妈能说会道,总能在出席商业活动时和最有影响的人交上朋友。My clever old aunt is a great schmoozer who always becomes friends with the most influential people at any business event she attends.

能说会道的人虽然平时很受关注,但是真正在企业里有着最积极的影响力、最能让人对其产生信心的,却是那些最擅于倾听的人。Loudmouths get attention. But those who have the most positive influence—and inspire confidence in those around them—are those who listen best.

不管什么时候看在中国采访路人的新闻报道,我都会对被采访人的能说会道感到吃惊。On a semi-related note whenever I see news reports interviewing "man on the street" in China I'm always astonished at how well-spoken people are.