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我们的经济仍在遭受创痛……需要采取进一步措施。Further action is needed.

我们遭受敌人围攻。We were beset by enemies.

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但都会遭受到阻止。But will suffer the arrestment.

他遭受了风吹雨打。He was exposed to wind and rain.

而这一点,目前正在遭受镇压。This lot is now being squelched.

二十来个国家遭受饥荒。Famine plagued a score of nations.

今年夏天该城遭受水灾。Flood struck the town this summer.

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人们为什么会遭受恐惧?Why do people suffer from phobias?

我就像一个败者,一个遭受惨败的人。I felt like a loser, a major loser.

有时我遭受牙疼之苦。Sometimes I suffer from toothaches.

该市曾遭受过原子弹的轰炸。The city was hit by an atomic bomb.

我们要求你们赔偿我们遭受的损失。Yd to compensate us for the damage.

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一名遭受家暴的妇女找到免费住处。A battered woman finds free shelter.

她遭受着家庭暴力之苦。She suffers from domestics violence.

拂晓时分,墨尔本遭受再次震颤。At dawn, two tremors shook Melbourne.

遭受炮击时我们走散了,什么时候我才能再见到他们啊?During the shelling we got separated.

日本时常遭受地震之苦。Japan often suffers from earthquakes.

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她保护自己以免遭受袭击。She defended herself from the attack.

她常遭受胃溃疡之苦。She often suffers from stomach ulcer.

为什么人的一生要遭受苦难?Why is a lifetime equates suffering ?