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都市宏开,商贾际会。The city is fully open and merchants gathering.

然后又说,韩信不能“治生商贾”。Then added, Hanshin can not "rule of Health merchants."

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无知的公主跟商贾们没甚麽同感。The ignorant princess has little empathy with the businessmen.

一些商贾正在兴奋地品题辩论电视机广告。One businessmen were talking about advertising on TV excitedly.

那时的罗泉商贾聚集,马嘶骡叫,热闹非凡。At that time, the merchants gathered Luoquan, Masiran mule called, bustling.

如果他上年接管了我的奉劝,他此刻就是一名乐成的商贾了。If he had taken my advice last year, he would be a successful businessman now.

本文论述了商贾诗的内容和形式的演变规律。This article deals with the content and form of merchant poems evolution rules.

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虽然他没受过正式的教育,但他在钢铁公司是位精明的商贾。Blthough he had no formal education, he is one of the shrewd businessmen in the steel company.

清光绪十年始建,时为商贾商洽贸易、祭祀妈祖之所。Ten years Guangxu was built, when merchants to negotiate trade, the worship of the goddess matsu.

李渔父如松属“出外商贾者”,有在如皋经营医药之可能,李渔生于如皋当与此有关。Li Rusong, Li Yu'father, who went out for business, maybe engaged in trade in Rugao, so Li Yu was born there.

他和一些官员和商贾关系暧昧。懒洋洋的缠绵在人肉垫子上,这就是他挥霍夜晚的方式。Hobnobbed with officers and businessmen—and this was how he spent his evening, lounging on the human mattress!

英国总督本想在此大肆掠夺一番,却发现这里的种植园主和商贾并没有那么容易就被人牵着鼻子走。Royal governors came to plunder but found that American planters and merchants could not easily be bossed around.

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天宫武财神赵公明善于商贾买卖,也就是善于赚钱的,三位正神均在这里了。Zhao Gongming Temple martial god of wealth at Merchants Trading, is good at making money, three being of God were here.

百里商圈,君宇商贾云集,是酒店业风水宝地,商务、休闲、娱乐的天堂。Barry district, merchants gathered Jun-yu, is poised to the hotel industry, business, leisure and entertainment paradise.

东侧是南开区的商贸商务区,商贾云集,商机无限。In the east is the commercial and business area of Nankai District, with numerous merchants and limitless business opportunities.

明清以来各方商贾云集,各民族文化在这里交汇生息,是丽江经济文化交流的中心。Since the Ming Dynasty, merchants have come over from all over the places, bringing with them the different cultures at same time.

那时的罗泉商贾聚集,马嘶骡叫,热闹非凡,当地的盐神庙便是最好见证。At that time the merchants gathered Luoquan, Masiran mule called, extraordinary excitement, the Temple of salt is the best witness.

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唐代商贾诗就是唐代诗人所作的反映商贾形象和商贾生活的诗作。The merchants poem of the Tang Dynasty is what poet of the Tang Dynasty writes reflect the merchants image and merchants life poem.

它的闻名得于清朝中叶盐井的发现,那时罗泉镇商贾云集,热闹异常。It's a well-known in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the salt well, then Luoquan gathered in the town of merchants, unusually lively.

是谁策划了这事,来反对加过冕的提洛?她的商贾本来都是王侯,商贩本来都是地上的显要。Who hath taken this counsel against Tyre, that was formerly crowned, whose merchants were princes, and her traders the nobles of the earth?