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日食“蹙眉”Eclipse "Frown"

日食苹果一只,百病就免医师!An apple a day keeps a doctor away!

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在印度,日食被认为是凶兆。In India, an eclipse is considered inauspicious.

日食是非常引人入胜的天文现象。Eclipse is a very intriguing astronomic phenomenon.

那么日食或月食又意味着什么?好运,坏运?。Then what does Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse mean?

我们还没有一日食一冬至2001年以来。We have not had an eclipse on a solstice since 2001.

但是对于有些人而言,日食也被视为不祥之兆。But for others, the eclipse was seen to be a bad omen.

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在有些文化中,围着着日食有许多传说和民间故事。In some cultures, legends and folklore surrounds eclipses.

第十九篇译稿。2011天文第一弹,美丽的偏日食。Tuesday witnessed the first partial solar eclipse of 2011.

日食发生的时间可以推算出来。The time when a solar eclipse will occur can be calculated.

中国东部的阴云或者雨天可能有碍日食的观测。In the east of the country, heavy cloud or rain obscured it.

在一次日食中,月亮的影子使地球的一部分黑下来。Themoon's shadow darkens part of Earth during a solar eclipse.

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要等到2132年才会出现一次比周三这次更长的日食。There will not be a longer eclipse than Wednesday's until 2132.

对你而言日食不过是你生命海洋中一个比较大的波浪而已。For you an eclipse is an extra large wave in the ocean of your life.

中国的历史文件显示,日食是发生变革的预兆。Historic Chinese documents suggest that they are portents of change.

君可顺君所好自选数份健康平衡膳谱,日食之。Select several healthy &balanced meals you like. Eat them every day.

气象局表明今天晚上将会出现日食。The Meteorologic Bureau forecasts a eclipse will be seen this night.

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日食是很黑与白,这取决于他们发现的条件。Eclipses are very black-and-white, depending on conditions they uncover.

但在许多国家,日食传统上被视为噩兆。But in many countries eclipses have traditionally been seen as bad omens.

本周二的日食是2011年四次日偏食中的第一场。The Tuesday eclipse was the first of four partial solar eclipses in 2011.